
Saturday 8 April 2023

Still not a meat eater

 It's now 7 months since I decided to go vegetarian - well, pescatarian.  And you know what?  I don't miss meat at all and wouldn't go back to eating it.  By that I mean beef, pork, lamb and gammon, I do occasionally eat homemade things like cottage pie and lasagne, for which I use turkey mince - beef or lamb mince taste greasy to me now, even low fat ones.  And about once a month I'll eat a bacon sandwich, usually when I've been making one for husband and I think 'Ooh that smells really nice, I think I'll have one'.  Oddly enough though, every time I find the taste doesn't match up to the smell - I don't really like the taste or texture of the bacon and always resolve not to have it again.  But the smell of bacon cooking is just so nice....

It's not an ethical thing, as I said when I first decided to go veggie - it's just that as I've got older, I've found my tastes have changed and I no longer like the taste or texture of meat.  A couple of weeks ago we had a KFC takeaway - husband really wanted one and it used to be one of my favourites so I agreed.  Well, the best bit about it was the southern fried coating, I wasn't at all keen on the actual chicken!  When I first went veggie I tried a few of those fake meat burgers and sausages, you know, the ones that are actually made to look like meat.  Well, I quickly decided I didn't like them - apart from one or two exceptions, they just don't really taste of anything at all I found, unless they're very heavily spiced.  I guess for people who've always been vegetarians they might taste ok, but if you've been a meat eater then I would say that they simply bear no relation to real meat.  And the list of ingredients puts me off as well - quite often they contain a long list of things I've never even heard of and I wonder what the hell it is I'm actually eating!  The only 'fake meat' product I actually like is the Linda McCartney rosemary and red onion sausages.

I do like fish and eat it a lot - 3 or 4 times a week, I especially like salmon, natural smoked haddock, lemon sole, cod and king prawns (I buy them raw frozen, they taste better than ready cooked).  I eat a lot of tinned fish too, tuna, salmon and pilchards - I love mashed pilchards on toast.  Although I like tinned tuna, I'm not keen on fresh (or frozen for that matter) tuna steaks, the texture is too much like beef steak for me.  The days I don't eat fish of some kind I eat something veggie instead.  So I think I can safely say I'll be pescatarian for the rest of my life now.  Husband still eats meat, which I'm happy to cook for him (except for offal, that really turns my stomach now and he has to cook that for himself - and for Betty).  He does eat less meat now though, and will happily eat some of my homemade veggie meals.

I'm still having disturbed nights, which will continue at least until we get the results of husband's assessment, and possibly after that too, depending on what we're told.  The doctor did say that they may want to do some more tests, not only a brain scan but also some more extensive tests which we'll need to go to their clinic for, it's only basic tests they do at home.  It's not nice waiting for results.  Husband seems ok though, I think he's mainly just relieved that she didn't say he'd got to give up driving immediately.  Thank you again, everyone, for your kind comments and support, it's so nice.  Frankly, we're getting little support from anyone else right now, even from family - although, to be fair, they don't know the full extent of what we're going through at the moment.


  1. I haven't eaten meat or fish for over 40 years. I can't imagine I'll ever eat it again, now! We do eat Quorn, as it's high protein and low in everything you want it to be low in, and tonight we're having tempeh, thinly sliced, marinated in soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce and Henderson's relish, then cooked in the air fryer, until it's nice and crispy. It has a bacony taste (as far as I remember the taste of bacon!) and will go nicely with our big salad.
    Waiting for results is awful. I think you're like me, imagining all sorts of terrible diagnoses. Not knowing is the worst. At least once you know, you can begin to deal with things. I hope you get some answers soon. Hugs. xx

  2. I don't like minced beef, we have started using Quorn, which I do like.

  3. Sometimes, it's best to keep family in the dark (less worry for them) until you have to tell them...whatever the news.
    Please make sure you keep a watch on your bone density while vegetarian..

  4. I have been a vegetarian strictly since 1992…almost a vegan…started health reasons and now just would not eat animals. So funny I have detested chicken my whole life…of course I eat no fried foods…love your blog.

  5. I've not eaten meat for years now, I don't think enjoying the smell of bacon cooking ever goes away. Well unless you lose your sense of smell like I have at the moment ... haha.
    I don't like many of the vegan fake meats that are trying too hard to be the taste and texture of real meat, it just reminds me of the cruelty and death. I think once you have had animals and visited a slaughterhouse there really is no going back. Like you I do enjoy Linda McCartney sausages, the Lincolnshire ones are nice as well as the Rosemary and Red Onion ones. I used to love the rosemary and red onion sausage plaits and recreate them for myself sometimes.

  6. I love meat free meals or days but I'd not like to totally give up meat. You must be saving a fortune though, the cost of meat right now.
    Hoping the results come through soon. xx


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