
Wednesday 5 April 2023

Taking our minds off things

 We're keeping busy today as it's husband's memory assessment tomorrow.  I asked him how he's feeling about it - he said the thing that worries him the most is being told he's lost his driving licence.  I said that's not guaranteed by any means, it may not be a form of dementia at all, and even if it is, he's highly unlikely to lose his licence immediately.  I said we'll cope with it, whatever it is.  It's the uncertainty that's the most worrying, once we know what we're facing - if anything at all - then it'll be easier to deal with.  And even if it is some kind of dementia, then there's help available - not a cure but medication to help slow it down.  And I'm sure there'll be other kinds of therapy or assistance.

The assessment and tests are going to take around 2 to 2.5 hours apparently, the doctor (a psychiatrist who specialises in memory assessments, so I've been told) is coming here to our home.  That should help husband relax a bit more than if he had to go to a hospital or clinic.  I think we'll have a day out somewhere on Friday, to either console ourselves or celebrate!

What a change in the weather today, it's gone from warm bright sunshine for the past 2 or 3 days to grey and rainy again.  Consistency would be good!


  1. I'm keeping everything crossed for you. xxx

  2. Hugs. I hope it goes well for you both.

  3. Thinking of you both and hope all goes well x

  4. Prayers. Hope you get a place in town where you can walk. Sounds necessary. Might put you up on list.

  5. I will be thinking of you both tomorrow and hoping for the best x

  6. Hoping the very best for you both!

  7. Keeping all that I can crossed for you tomorrow.

    God bless.

  8. Thinking of you both. Uncertainty is a very hard thing to cope with. xx


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