
Sunday 9 April 2023

Quiet Sunday

 We had a lovely time at our friends' house yesterday for a barbecue.  They had another couple of friends over, the chap we've met before and like, his partner we'd never met, we got on really well.  It turns out I sort of know her through a FB page we both belong to, although I didn't realise who she was until I met her yesterday.....small world.  The only pity was the weather - having been forecast to be a nice sunny warm day, the sun was coming and going, with grey clouds in between, and at times a very cool breeze, so eventually we had to beat a hasty retreat indoors as we were all sitting there shivering.

We were going to go out somewhere today, but decided against it - being Easter Sunday everywhere will be crowded, especially beaches, and shops and garden centres are closed.  Betty doesn't like crowds and gets very anxious, so she wouldn't have enjoyed going anywhere where there were likely to be tourists and families.

Having said that, change of plan - we've decided to go for a brief walk at Blue Anchor beach to blow the cobwebs away - the sun's gone in but it's not cold, although I expect it'll be a bit breezy at the beach, it usually is.  The dinner is all prepped and some of it partly cooked, so won't take long to finish off when we get back.  Husband's having a gammon shank, I'm having all the normal roast dinner veggies and homemade Yorkies.

Hope everyone's enjoying their Easter weekend, whatever you're doing.


  1. Shame about the BBQ weather, but we do live in the UK! A walk along the beach, especially now the crowds have dispersed sounds good. I've been tackling the jungle that was once my garden. Slowly getting it tamed, but my back's aching a bit now! Still, it's nice looking out at the bits I've cleared and imagining the rest looking the same. xx

  2. How lovely to blow out the cobwebs at Blue Anchor. I love that place. BBQ’s are a great idea when the sun is shining. Good that you could retreat indoors. It’s still a cold wind here in landlocked Oxfordshire.


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