
Friday 21 April 2023

Going home

 When we first planned on coming here a couple of weeks ago, we were intending to stay for a fortnight or so, as the weather looked pretty good.  Well now it's not, it's raining and cold and the forecast for the next week isn't good.  I have plenty to keep me occupied here in the van - several books to read, loads of yarn for crocheting, a drawing pad and pencils, and of course the small amount of cleaning and tidying up to do.  Husband has nothing to do if it's raining, he literally has no inside hobbies or anything, his entire existence here is geared to outside, pottering around doing odd DIY jobs or strimming the grass or just chatting to fellow owners.  None of which he can do if it's raining and everyone is inside.  So all that's open to him is watching (or dozing) in front of the TV - literally all day.  As you're all aware by now, I'm not a fan of having the TV on for hours and hours, especially for rubbish daytime programmes.

So I think we may well go home on Sunday and come back in a couple of weeks when hopefully the weather will be better.  Several of our van neighbours have had the same idea, a couple have already gone home.  Bad weather does put a dampener on things.


  1. Yes, nothing is fun in the rain! No rain here - yet, but the sky keeps going very dark. Shame, I was hoping to get in the garden, but there'll be other days (hopefully) when the sun is shining! xx

  2. The wind has been as bad as the rain lately, looking forward to better weather too.

  3. Having nothing to do is actually tiring. I know that I fell asleep more in the midst of the blizzard here this week.

    God bless.

  4. A shame but it will still be there when the weather picks up. xx

  5. Well, at least you've had a few days rest...and will return in a week or, win.


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