
Saturday 1 April 2023

Preparations, and a bit of sadness

 Thank you everyone for the comments.  We already gave the surgery signed authority for them to speak to either of us about the other a few years ago.  It might be a good idea though to ask for a note to be put on husband's records to say that any phone calls to him should have me included as well, thanks for that suggestion Marlene.  We'll be going to the surgery next Tuesday to collect our repeat prescriptions, so I'll have a word with them then in person.  Apparently, I can also ask to be registered on their records as an official carer, so I'll find out about that as well - although what benefit that brings, if any, I don't know.

Yesterday I made a dozen large sausage rolls, a few to take with us to the caravan and the rest have been frozen.  I also made a fruit cake for husband, using half a jar of the mincemeat I bought very much reduced just after Christmas, it makes a lovely moist cake.  Today I'm making a rice pudding as I have a pint of milk and bit of cream to use up, I'll also use a tin of coconut milk, we like that in a rice pud.  Again, some of the pudding will be frozen, it freezes alright, just needing a bit of a stir when it's defrosted and reheated.

Just got a change of clothes to pack, along with the food - the towels and bed linen we already took over to the van on one of our day trips, along with toiletries.  Tinned food and treats already in the van for Betty, along with some of her toys and a new bed.  I'm really looking forward to staying over, I've been itching to do it ever since the 1 March!

Husband was having a clumsy day yesterday, he'd already dropped a kitchen knife and a large chopping board in the kitchen before it was even breakfast time.  He's always making Betty jump out of her skin, poor thing.  Fortunately, he's not like it every day.  He asked me the other day if I would still take care of him when he's completely ga-ga....he said he wouldn't expect me to.  I said of course I would, there's no question of me not doing it, but there's no certainty yet that he will be affected like that!  It's obviously preying on his mind though, bless him.  I had to go upstairs, shut myself in the bathroom and have a little weep.

The galeforce winds were terrible last night, Betty really didn't like it at all, she was very unsettled.  She was up and down stairs, whining, fidgeting, so consequently keeping me awake too.  She went to sleep eventually.  So I feel a bit like death warmed up today, just when I have quite a lot to do - I'll get it all done this morning so I can rest this afternoon.  Fortunately, the wind has died down quite a bit this morning, whilst it's not very good today it is forecast to be really quite nice for the next 2 or 3 days.  I think we might well be staying at the van until Tuesday.


  1. A good idea about getting the surgery to make sure you're there if they have to speak to your husband. Mine's the same, doesn't listen properly, then can't remember what was said. I think it's a man thing! Your husband is obviously worried, I can't say I blame him. A bit of time at the caravan will do you all good. xx

  2. Poor bloke.... And poor you. Getting old is no fun if you have health issues. A bit of time at the caravan will do you both the world of good. Xx

  3. Glad you're going to the caravan...I know you both really need a good rest...

  4. I think him asking you that sums up why he was so crochety and narky with you and Betty earlier in the week. It's obviously all worrying him far more than he's shown up to now. A couple of days at the caravan sounds like it's just what you both need. Hope it goes well and the weather stays fine for you.

  5. Aww, your hubby is worried and that is what was bothering him. I do so hope the tests work out in his favour.

    Enjoy your time at the caravan.

    God bless.


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