
Friday 28 April 2023


 Well, having thought about it, I've decided my lovely readers are right - this is my blog, I'll write what I want, both good bits and bad, I find it cathartic to write and I'm not going to let a few nasty people put me off.  Thank you all so much for all the lovely supportive comments.......I've also had another few nasty ones.  One from someone giving a name, but seeing as they don't have a blog and don't appear to be a regular commenter (if at all prior to this one), there's no way of knowing who they are.  They wanted to know why I only ever publish "sickly sweet" (their words) comments.....erm, what, instead of snidy, rude and sarcastic ones?  Ooh, now that's a hard one! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ (For the record, I'll publish or bin whatever I want).  I also received a further 2 anonymous ones, both nasty, one simply saying "Good riddance!".  Why, if you dislike my blog and what I choose to write about so much, do you even bother reading it?  Please close the door on your way out and don't bother coming back. 😜  The vast majority of my readers are very kind, thoughtful and supportive and I appreciate you all so very much.  But for the few waspish, bitchy, passive aggressive ones, and those who insist on offering 'advice' even when I haven't asked for it - if you can't be kind, well then just bugger off, I have enough stress and anxiety going on without you anonymous nasty pieces of work adding to it.  I feel sorry for you, what sad lonely little lives you must have.

It continues to be a stressful and anxiety-filled time.  The problem relative, who has several health problems both physical and mental and who lives alone, refusing all offers of support, fell backwards down their stairs a couple of days ago.  To cut a long story short, they had a head injury which had to be glued, mild concussion and, worryingly, an ECG showed abnormalities in their heart.  A blood test showed very high potassium levels too.  The hospital naturally wanted to keep them in for further tests, but the relative had a panic attack and point blank refused - as they're a (relatively) responsible (although that's debatable) adult in their 50s, there was nothing other relatives who'd accompanied them to hospital, or the medical staff could do to prevent them refusing treatment, leaving and returning home.  They had to sign a self discharge form, on which the doctor had written, amongst other things, "risk of death".  There's a lot of messages flying back and forth and various arrangements being made, but it continues to be worrying, not least because the relative refuses to accept help.  If anyone's tempted to offer advice about possible sectioning, or something similar, please don't - there's a lot more to the situation with this relative that we've endured for many many years and is never going to be written about here.

Much as I love going to my caravan, I've decided that we're not going back there if the weather forecast isn't good - I simply cannot cope with being subjected to a bored grumpy husband who has the TV on all day long as he's got nothing else to do - his choice.  Earplugs or headphones won't make a difference - the caravan is a small space, the TV is literally only about 7 or 8 feet away wherever I sit in the lounge so I can see it clearly, as well as hear it.  My bedroom there is too small to have a chair in it, so I can only sit on the bed - which isn't comfortable for crocheting, although I can of course lie on the bed to read.  In any case, my bedroom is so small (just 5ft x 7ft) I have to have the door open, otherwise it's too claustrophobic.

It's been bad weather here again so husband hasn't been going outside, so you know what that means!  Thankfully the weather looks to be better today.  I've kept busy by doing all the normal housework, some banking and admin stuff concerning health matters, doing a freezer inventory, and some cooking of things to freeze for when my sister and her friend come down to stay.  So far I've made a lasagne, a fish pie, lemon drizzle cake and some cheese scones, all now in the freezer.  We've been eating things out of the freezer all week, so there's room for me to make some other things for the guests, both meals and treats.  I want to make a turkey mince and stuffing meatloaf, some bacon & cheese little turnovers for breakfasts, chocolate brownies and some more of Jamie's icecream, think I'll use chopped Maltesers in it this time.  If any of you want to make the icecream, it's so quick, simple and rich, I would urge you to give it a go - it's just 600ml double cream whisked, then a tin of condensed milk stirred through well, then fold in some chopped chocolate or dried fruits or nuts of your choice.  Put in a lined loaf tin and freeze.  And that's it - no need to take it out every hour and stir it to break up ice crystals.

Betty's off to the groomers for a bath and nail clipping today, we've got a little bit of shopping to do.


  1. Great decision to keep blogging. I think we shall all be glad of some better weather, this winter seems to have dragged on and on. V

  2. The ice cream is amazing, I totally agree. I think next time I will add strawberries and crushed meringues - but I still have quite a lot of the birthday ice cream to finish off. :-)

    I am so, so glad you have decided to keep blogging - you would be so very much missed if not. No-one HAS to read anyone's blog and no-one HAS to make nasty or unkind comments. They choose to.

    I'm so sorry about the added stress - as if you didn't have enough already! Much love and many hugs to you and hopes that the better times are very close and just coming around the corner towards you. xx

  3. Well done for carrying on - ignore the idiots!

  4. I'm glad you're continuing. So mamy of tne blogs I used to read are no longer. Stay honest!

  5. Thank goodness you've decided to keep blogging! Some people have nothing better to do than harass others. Blow the off!
    No sense in sitting in a cramped space in the middle of rain storms...spread out and be comfortable, at home.
    Happy Weekend!

  6. So pleased you are still going to blog 😁 The food you describe sounds amazing can l come to yours for my tea? 😁 Take care lovely lady 😘All the best Lee xx

  7. It amazes me that people would write such things. I have no advice other than do as you choose. I like your blog. The television is a problem for sure..

  8. I'm so glad you're continuing to blog. I miss you when you take a little break - what would I do if you took a permanent one? No-one is forced to read your blog, so if they don't like it, just don't keep reading. Simples!
    The ice cream sounds yummy, but as I'm lactose intolerant and staying off the carbs and sugar, not for me.πŸ˜₯ Let's hope the weather settles down soon. Winter seems to have gone on forever! xx

  9. Good for you to continue to treat us with your writing! I usually don't comment but I really enjoy reading your blog. I guess there will always be a bully on the playground. Know that your blog friends are surrounding you and sticking our tongues out at those bully jerks.

  10. So glad you are going to keep on blogging. That tiny minority of nastiness can jog on. Stay true to yourself. I look forward to reading your blog as do so many of us.

  11. I'm glad you are continuing to blog, you do you and let the numpty, nasty nellies do themselves into a hissy fit. Pressing that delete button can be cathartic ... enjoy. :-)

    The more you talk about your hubby the more he sounds like Alan and 80% of all other men, I am so glad I live next door to my husband instead of with him. His snoring in front of the television might relax the dogs but it didn't used to do me any good at all. I guess I have ways that annoy him too, but he's too nice to tell me about them ... perhaps I'm not nice. ;-)

  12. I too am so glad you decided to keep blogging. I always read but rarely comment. I can never understand why people leave nasty comments or continue to read if they don't like it. Keep doing what you are doing and ignore the nasty ones. You can see by the amount of comments recently that most people love your blog and only want to be supportive.

  13. Just sending a positive thoughts. No one knows what people are dealing with, and what helps us cope. Write for yourself. Focus on the kindness is great advice.

  14. Love reading your blog so glad you're going to continue. Some people are so messed-up in their own lives that their anger comes out on others. Take no notice of them they have the problem not you xxx

  15. There are a lot of difficulties in this world, we can all benefit from more kindness. So please ignore that critic and write what pleases you.

  16. Good news that you are continuing your blog as I enjoy reading about your life and thoughts. I don't comment often but hope you don't let the negative comments affect your well being. There are nasty people everywhere but thankfully they are the minority but it just seems that sometimes they dominate which is a reflection on multi media as they can do so anonymously which is a cowardly act and we shouldn't let them win, it is only a click away. We are just getting into our winter and are going away in our caravan so hope we don't get too much bad weather. Hope your better weather comes soon.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.