
Tuesday 11 April 2023

Growing my own flowers

 Thanks so much for the comments on my last post.  I'm not feeling depressed - as I said yesterday, life is what it is and we just have to get on with it.  Husband and I have been together for more than 42 years (it's our 40th wedding anniversary next month), so it's not like I'm not used to his lack of romantic gestures.  He did used to buy me flowers quite often, but appears to have fallen out of the habit over the past few years and isn't likely to change now, especially with his memory loss!

This morning we went out early (before the forecast rain started - it has now) to go to a plant nursery near Brean.  We got a bag of ericaceous compost for my camellias in pots as we'd run out and they need top dressing.  I also got a mixture of geraniums and surfinia petunias in purple and pink colours, some for here at home and some for the caravan garden.  They'll be kept in the utility room for the time being, prior to being hardened off and planted out in a couple of weeks.  I can't wait to see loads of colour in the two gardens - if I can't get given flowers, then at least I'll be growing them myself!  And they'll be longer lasting.

I'm making a big pan of (turkey) mince and veg this afternoon, to be used for cottage pies, lasagne and jacket potato toppings, some to be frozen for the caravan.  I'll do some scones in the AF as well, also to be frozen and taken to the caravan.  The rest of the week will be taken up with getting organised for an extended stay at the caravan - at least a week, as the weather is meant to be much nicer from next week.  We'll also be sorting out surplus clothes and shoes for the charity shop - whilst donating them, I'll also be getting a few more books from there, the big Cancer UK one has a big selection. 


  1. I'm trying to get more colour in the garden. A couple of years ago I bought some tulip bulbs from Tesco that they were selling off for 50p a bag. They're blooming beautifully, lovely splashes of red and yellow. Wish I'd bought more! Now we're losing weight, we need to sort out some clothes to go to the charity shop. My trousers I can take in quite easily, but husband lives in jeans, which are a bit trickier. Mind you, I'm such a skinflint, I'll probably give them a go. I've got some strong needles for my machine, I just need some time and inclination, now! Threatening rain here, so the garden can wait. xx

  2. I'm treating myself to some flowers for my birthday and considering them from Mum and Dad - they sort of are because if the inheritance. xx

  3. Harvey still purchases me flowers for our anniversary, and actually came home with an Easter Lily this year. We have been married 47 years and while romance sometimes seems to have disappeared. The little things carry me through, today I was too dizzy to finish putting the light fixtures together and when I called he came up right away.

    God bless.

  4. You are going to have a pretty display once those flowers start filling out. Right now I have pretty tulips in my garden from a free packet of bulbs. Roll on summer.


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