
Monday 24 April 2023

Not farting! And planning

 No, Mrs LH, it's not farting - although that did make me laugh.  Yes he does do it, but after 40+ years of being subjected to it, I consider it merely an unpleasant fact of life.  But yes you're right about men finding it ridiculously hilarious - if they must do it, just do it quietly (and preferably out of the room), there's really no need to make a huge schoolboy production out of it.  What's so funny about it anyway?!  So no it wasn't that, it was something else he was doing.....he also does it here sometimes, but it's not so much of an issue here.  And that's all I'm saying.  Oh and yes men's habits do get worse as they get older - and/or we get less tolerant of them.

It's 3 weeks today until my sister and her best friend arrive to stay with us for a week.  I will spend time this week making plans for where to go, and for what we're going to eat during their stay.  We'll be having a couple of lunches out, and a big breakfast out on the day they go home.....the rest of the meals I want to be easy ones, both here and in the caravan - I don't want to spend ages cooking.  There'll probably be a fish pie and some sort of mince meal, a lasagne I expect as that's a favourite of my sister's, both of those I'll make in advance and freeze.  I'll do either chicken legs or sausages with roasted Mediterranean veg one day, something (e.g. fishcakes, chicken thighs or cold meats) with salad a couple of days.  Lunches will be sandwiches or something on toast.  Breakfasts are easy - cereals, toast, boiled eggs, crumpets or croissants or a bacon sandwich, husband can easily do that.

I also want to make plans for our wedding anniversary - 40 years towards the end of next month.  We'll be at the caravan for the week and my intention is for us to have a day out somewhere special every day that week.....sometimes we'll have lunch out, in a nice pub garden e.g. if the weather is good, as obviously we'll have Betty with us, other times we'll take a packed lunch and have a picnic somewhere nice.  It was my suggestion but husband agrees with it.  It would be nice if husband came up with a grand idea himself, especially for a special anniversary such as this - 40 years is a massive achievement these days.  But I know he won't, he rarely if ever does, it's always down to me to plan our anniversary treats - he simply has no imagination whatsoever.

I need to do a small shop this morning for milk and fresh veg, other than that I need nothing else, we'll be eating out of the freezer this week.


  1. It's a good job we women grow up, because men stay little boys forever! Mine will sometimes ask me if he should put a thick coat on, or just a lightweight one. You're 66 years old, make your own mind up! xx

    1. This has made laugh out loud. Mine got frozen on Monday when we went up into the hills just because he couldn't look out of the window and see the low clouds sitting there. At 72 he should have learn't by now. PS I was warm in a thick coat.

  2. Sometimes I am most relieved that there's no-one else around in my home. It's easy to be tolerant of one's own habits, isn't it? xx


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