
Saturday 29 April 2023


 Thank you again for the lovely warm comments, what was so nice to see also were all the comments from readers who don't normally say anything.

The situation with the problem relative continues to be concerning since they discharged themselves from hospital against doctors advice.  I've seen a copy of the self discharge form and seeing "Could cause sudden death" written by the doctor is certainly worrying.  Not much we can do about it though, if they choose not to accept help (or even open the door or answer the phone) then that's their lookout.  It is worrying for the rest of us, but is just another crisis to do with them, in a very long line of crises over the years.  One of these days it will no doubt have a sad ending.  I normally block them temporarily when they're bombarding us with ridiculous messages, but don't feel I can at the moment - they are clearly quite seriously physically unwell, as well as mentally.  

I am so tired I feel like I need a month's worth of sleep - wouldn't that be a luxury?!  If I could have a wish granted by a fairy godmother (or should that be godperson nowadays?!?!), it would be just that, a month's worth of sleep.  Preferably in just one night.  If I had 3 wishes, the 2nd and 3rd would be for good health for both the relative and my husband.

Betty smells lovely after her grooming session yesterday, she likes going to the groomers and they love her and say she's always as good as gold there.  It was much nicer weather yesterday, sunny most of the day, albeit very windy again.  I think wind is my least favourite weather, I blimmin hate it.  At least the sunny weather meant husband spent a fair bit of time in the back garden, mowing the grass and doing a bit of tidying up.  

I'm keeping busy, which is the best way to keep my mind occupied.  Today I'm making 2 quiches, the bacon & cheese turnovers and the chocolate brownies.  I've just got the turkey mince out of the freezer, for the meatloaf tomorrow - I'm making 2, one for husband and I for dinner tomorrow and then cold for lunches for the next few days, the other to be frozen.  I've also got some crocheting to do, a pretty shawl I've made as a gift, the bulk of it is done, just needs edging and finishing off.


  1. I am pondering making a granny square cardigan; they appear to be in fashion again at the moment and look lovely, all the cheerful colours. Since granny squares is about all I know how to make with crochet that seems like an idea for summer. I like to have a 'portable project' on the go.

  2. I meant to add, yes, friends and relatives like the one you describe are a worry, constantly at the back of one's mind. Worry is very tiring. I hope you find some relief for yourself.

  3. If your relative refuses all help, even from professionals, there's nothing you can do. Doesn't stop you worrying, though.
    Yes, a fairy godmother would be nice.🧚 I'm sure we all have wishes that we'd love granted. I hope you manage to get some good, refreshing sleep, even without magic! xx

  4. Can you take a photo of the shawl? I'm starting to crochet again. I'll bet it's lovely!
    Yes! Fairy Godmother, it is...I'm so tired of the PC in this world telling me how and what to say...

  5. Don't dogs smell lovely when they've been to the groomers. I'm glad that Betty enjoys going, so much less stressful for her. Archie hates it but we can tell that he always feels better for it afterwards.

  6. I'm really sorry things are still so difficult. It's hard to know what to do for the best sometimes - there seems no right way to go. xx


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