
Sunday 28 July 2024


 I think I've got flu - I do have the flu jab every year but it doesn't protect against every strain.  I was worried it might be covid, but have done 2 tests and they're both negative.  I did feel a bit under the weather from the beginning of last week, but didn't have time to be ill - however, after a very restless night, when I got up on Thursday I knew I was ill, so went back to bed, which is almost unheard of for me, but I just felt so ill.  I've stayed in my room, either in bed or in my reclining chair, ever since.  This morning when I woke up around 5 am I felt terrible, but have started to feel better as the hours go by, although I'm not right by any means, I have no energy, ache from head to foot, have a pounding continual headache, sore throat and dry irritating cough.  Blocked ears so I'm even more deaf than usual.  And intermittent diarrhoea (you didn't really want to know that did you).  And I'm falling asleep at the drop of a hat, which again is very unlike me.  Husband has been fending for himself (and Betty), he's able to cope with simple meals.  My appetite is much reduced, I've just been having a piece of fruit or slice of toast here and there.  He's cooking himself a roast chicken dinner today, a whole chicken which will feed him and Betty for a few days.

Husband went shopping on Saturday morning for a few top up bits, I gave him a list.  He got everything on the list, except for my bottled water (our tap water tastes revolting, and I do drink a lot of water) - he forgot that, and got the wrong tinned fish for Betty - not that it matters, she'll still eat it, but the one he bought was twice the price.  He also got a bunch of flowers for me - lisianthus, those flowers that look rather like roses.  Very nice.  Except that 7 or 8 flower heads had been snapped off at the top of the stems and the flowers were squashed - they looked like he'd shut them in the car door.  He confessed to accidentally bashing them on the door frame when he was putting them and the shopping on the back seat.  He's so cack-handed.  But it was a nice (and unexpected) gesture, he does still surprise me sometimes.

No housework or washing has been done, husband doesn't think to do any of that.  I put a wash on this morning - I have shown husband a few times how to set the washing machine (on the easiest most basic fast programme), but of course with his cognitive decline he never remembers.  It's no bother, he will at least be able to unload the washing and hang it on the line - even if he does hang it in the oddest and most illogical of ways - well, so long as it dries it doesn't really matter.

Shutting the laptop and having a nap now, typing this has worn me out.


  1. I had to laugh at the flower story. Oh, dear, but what a lovely thought.

    You've had a rough old week, haven't you. It does sounds either like flu or covid and, to be honest, what it is doesn't really matter anyway, what matters is that you are starting to recover. Go slow, don't push it and have lots and lots of love and healing vibes from me. xx

  2. Would he go and buy you some bottled water? And maybe some fresh .fruit. You do need to drink lots of water and take regular Paracetamol.
    I hope you feel much better very soon. x

  3. Haha, a lovely thought with the flowers ... poor things. 😄

    I hope you soon feel better. xx

  4. Urghh, that sounds a bit grim! I hope you are soon better, there are definitely some nasty viruses around this summer.

  5. I hope a few days of R&R gets you raring to go again. xx

  6. Nap and nap some more, if it helps. Too bad you couldn't drink the flowers. ;) He is a good lad after all. He does love you and that counts for an awful lot. Take care of you and a hug or two from here..thank goodness I can't catch it from here, sounds a nasty ol' bug. Away , away ol' bug...away , I say. ;) Hope you got a little grin there.

  7. Poor you. It could well be covid, friends who work for the health service tell me that the tests don't pick up the newest strains and they've been told not to bother with them. Just to go on the symptoms. Whatever it is the treatment is the same, rest, fluids and painkillers when needed. Hope you get better soon.

  8. I was the same from about midweek and tested twice for Covid. Both times the test came back negative.... No headache today so that was a plus, but I will never go out in the sun without my hat now.

    I hope you feel better very soon, and it was sweet that Hubby bought you some flowers.

    God bless.


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