
Wednesday 31 July 2024

Better still

 I'm feeling better still this morning - not 100% by any means, but certainly much better than I was.  Yesterday afternoon husband suggested we wait until after 6 pm (free parking then) and then go to Minehead for a walk along the would have been the first time I'd been out in a week.  I did quite like the idea of a beachfront stroll, but come early evening I just didn't feel up to it.  Funny how we seem to feel worse in the evenings.

Being unwell made me think of my Mum with fondness - as kids when we weren't well, she would always change our bedlinen....getting into a clean fresh-smelling bed always seemed to help us feel better.  She'd give us a damp flannel wrung out in cold water to put on our foreheads, a hot water bottle for our tummies, and make us a cup of Heinz tomato soup and half a cheese sandwich for lunch.  Mum wasn't particularly affectionate as a mother, she was more a no-nonsense practical type, but she did look after us when we were unwell.  As to whether husband looked after me.....erm, not really, other than the flowers he got with the little bit of shopping needed.  He did get me drinks - when I asked for them - and did me toast a couple of times.  And he did hang the washing on the line (because I asked him to), and get it in again later.  No housework got done.....but then he doesn't do it normally anyway unless I specifically ask him to do a job, and then he grumbles about it.  I guess he did as much as he's capable of.  It's not that he's uncaring - he just doesn't think (K, yes definitely a case of the Jobs Fairy normally does all the work!  So it doesn't occur to him to do it).

We need to go shopping today - it won't be a big shop, well not like the big shop we did at the beginning of this month (how is it August tomorrow?!?!) as I don't want to fill up the freezer and larder cupboards, since we'll be emptying them for the new kitchen at the end of August.  I did (briefly) think about writing a list for husband to do the shopping but, silly as it sounds, the brain effort involved in working out what we need and writing it all down (in a format that dyslexic husband will understand) was just too much for me to contemplate right now.  I'm sure it will be easier to just go myself - well, with husband as he has to take me - so I can get what I need without really thinking too much about it, I'll just push the trolley and ask husband to put things in it.  I know it will wear me out, but I'll do nothing much for the rest of the day - I'll even let husband put the shopping away, but will supervise where he puts it!  We'll have jacket spuds with tinned salmon and salad for dinner, even husband can manage to bake a couple of potatoes in the air fryer.


  1. It's certainly a tough bug! Take it easy for the next few days. Make sure you're fully recovered. Men don't seem to see jobs that need doing. Well done, not the everyday, boring ones! If it requires a duster or a hoover, rather than a hammer or saw, it doesn't exist! 😂 xx

  2. And when we were poorly back in the day it was the only time Lucozade was purchased. in it's glass dimply bottle with the orange cellophane wrapper. :-)

    Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.

  3. Oh, yes, I remember the Lucozade too!! We were given cream of chicken soup with buttered toast 😋. Also, for some reason, Spangles (remember them? 😉). Hope the shop goes ok!

  4. Hope that you are feeling 100% very soon. Moms really knew how to look after us sick children.

    God bless.


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