
Thursday 1 August 2024

Don't read if you don't like bodily functions

 This is a pretty disgusting subject, so if you're easily offended, squeamish or nauseated by such things, stop reading!


I'm feeling better every day, thankfully.......except for extreme tiredness, and the aforementioned snot.  It feels like my head and throat are brimming with gallons of the stuff, I'm constantly blowing my nose and getting rid of a load, but still it comes....and comes.....and comes.  It's like a never-ending production line that's in constant use.  Where does it all come from?  Is there no end to it?  I googled it, and it seems it's the body's somewhat over-enthusiastic reaction to our immune system going into overdrive.  Basically, it's trying to get rid of the infection.  Well, I'm almost tempted to say I'd rather have the infection (I wouldn't, of course).  I just hope it doesn't last much longer.  I've been using vapour rub and a saline nasal spray, and drinking loads of both cold water and hot with lemon and honey.  I'm sure it'll go soon.....fingers crossed.

Shopping yesterday morning got done, I pushed the trolley and kept my distance from other customers (we went early purposely so there wouldn't be crowds - it was very quiet).  I got husband to pick up the things I wanted and put them in the trolley, so I wasn't handling anything that others might pick up.  I did think about wearing a mask but decided not to as it's hard enough to breathe at the moment anyway.  And on the couple of occasions when I sneezed, I made sure to do it inside my elbow, and I wiped the trolley handle with an antiseptic wipe (we keep some in the car) before putting it back in the trolley bay.  We did the shopping as quickly as possible, fortunately we didn't have anywhere else to go so went straight home.  Husband put most of the shopping away, under my instructions.  It wore me out, as expected, so I rested in my recliner chair for an hour.

Husband's woken up with a sore throat this morning, which I suppose is inevitable - hard to avoid catching anything from your partner when you live in a small bungalow with shared facilities.  With him having heart failure, the potential is there for him to be quite poorly indeed, so it's just as well I'm nearly better now - I can keep an eye on him and ensure he gets plenty of rest (he does anyway most of the time) and drinks enough.  I'll ring the GP if I have any cause for concern over him.


  1. Hope your snotty comes to an end soon!
    Have you considered doing online shopping and have it delivered? I know it has its limits but it can be very useful.

  2. It sounds like you were very thoughtful on your shopping trip, a lot more so than a lot of people are, hence all these germs and virus' spreading.

    It's lovely and quiet first thing in the morning now that the kids are all off school and having lazy, slow mornings at home isn't it. Our little town is so peaceful first thing.

  3. Oh, Sooze, I could write the definitive book on snot! I've been snotty for the past 40 odd years as I have nasal polyps (which I've finally plucked up the courage to see about having removed) with all the attendant problems. Sinusitis, congestion, post-nasal drip, cough, a head that sometimes feels like it's stuffed with damp cotton wool, snoring etc. etc. Have you tried a Neti pot? I finally bought one last winter, and although the relief is only temporary, it does clear your nasal passages. You basically pour cooled, boiled water, with or without salt, into one nostril and let it drain out of the other, then repeat on the other side. Sounds disgusting, but it does help shift that gunge! I hope your hubby's sore throat doesn't develop into anything more serious. xx

  4. It's everywhere right now...Larry and I have been fortunate so far.
    Get better soon! Hope it's not too hard on your hubby!

  5. Thank you for your care and consideration when shopping - it isn't always the case, is it.
    Take care, I hope hubby has it a lot lighter than you and, yes, please do get help if needed. Is there someone in your community you can ask, if necessary. A warden type maybe? xx

  6. Take care of yourself Sooze, good to get rid of the mucus and hope your hubby isn't too bad.

  7. I hope the snot disappears, I am forever blowing my nose in the mornings. I hope your DH does not get too sick.

    God bless.


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