
Monday 26 August 2024

Almost D-day (well, K-day)

 Husband was chatting on the phone with his daughter yesterday, she asked how we both are and he said we'd both had colds for a couple of days a while back.  Honestly, I think he lives on a different continent to me, he's oblivious most of the time - my cold (flu, virus, whatever) laid me low for about 3 weeks.....he had a sore throat which lasted no more than 2 days, and no other symptoms.  I wonder what he'd tell people if I broke my leg, say, and was in plaster - he'd probably say I'd got a bit of a limp!  Incidentally, I still have a cough - it's not chesty now, just a dry irritating cough which seems very persistent.

I've got quite a lot to do today, but am relaxed about it - it's all on my list and will get done easily.  Husband has been raring to go since he got up, announcing he'll move the kitchen table and chairs and all of the small electric cooking appliances out into the lounge, as soon as he's dressed.  Well actually I'll want to use the electric hotplate and the microwave for dinner this evening, so he can't move those!  I'll have to try and restrain him from doing everything he thinks needs to be done, and get him to do what actually needs doing, in the right order.  Yesterday I had to retrieve a couple of things from boxes out in the car port, where he'd taken it upon himself to pack them away without asking me if I needed them.  It's good that he's enthusiastic about helping, I suppose, rather than just dozing in front of the TV, but it would be more helpful if he actually did what I ask, and not what he thinks needs doing.  He's got his small list of jobs I wrote out for him a couple of days far he's done none of them, he's just doing things I don't want him to do 😂😒

The kitchen fitters will be here between 08.00 and 08.30 tomorrow morning - exciting!  I'll just need to have a few words with them, leave them a key and my mobile number in case of problems, put the cool box in the car and then we'll be off, leaving them to it.  We'll be packing most of the stuff in the car tonight.  In 10 days time, I'll have a brand new kitchen!


  1. It sounds as if he is as excited as you about this new kitchen - and so he should be too. Good luck with the day's list.
    Just ten days - eeeek!!! xx

  2. Good that he's wanting to help, but... You're so well organised, the kitchen fitters will be pleased. I bet, sometimes, they come to a job and the cupboards are still full! I hope you can relax at the caravan. Not too excited! xx

  3. It will be brilliant to come back to an almost finished kitchen and to spend some time rearranging everything in your lovely new cupboards. I hope it all works out well.

  4. What a happy thought, a new kitchen. I think on the whole the weather is going to be okay for your caravan visit and as it's longer than usual, it will be like a holiday.


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