
Wednesday 21 August 2024

Too much to do

 My new laptop charger arrived today, so I'm able to use my laptop again - my budget smartphone is all well and good (and I do like it actually), but it is a bit limited in what it can do.  At least it's easy to use and does what I need.

It's been a stressful few days, with one thing and another, and I'm so ready to have a few days away in the caravan next week.  Just as a little example - we went shopping this morning for the few fresh bits we need to tide us over - dairy and fruit mainly.  We have a system at the checkout - I unload the trolley or basket (basket today) and husband packs the stuff in bags....I try to put the heavy things on the conveyor belt first (so they should get packed in the bags first), followed by the lighter or breakable things.  It doesn't always work successfully, husband is a bit of a law unto himself when packing bags, nor is he logical.  Today he put the pack of yogurts at the bottom of a bag, so one of them had been squashed and split by the time we got home, yogurt everywhere.  He also dropped my pack of flat peaches - not on the floor, they landed on the checkout, but the bag split and he just dumped it upside down in the shopping bag....when I unpacked the bag at home, the peaches were all loose in the bag, all of them bruised and one split.  Then he slammed one of the bags on the kitchen table, knocking the plastic black pepper grinder onto the floor, smashing it.  It doesn't really matter, it was a cheap one, but just another thing to be cleared up and binned.....and I trod on one of the plastic pieces.  Luckily I had flipflops on, not bare feet, otherwise it would have cut the sole of my foot.  He's a walking disaster sometimes.  Well, nearly every day if I'm honest.

At least we have hot water now, the plumber came yesterday.  Not that we knew he was coming....he just turned up 5 minutes after a phone call to say he would be coming within the next couple of hours!  Just as well we were in.

Husband is back to obsessing over things, a couple of things the past few days that he's hyper-focused on and keeps on about, which is doing my head in.  I do grit my teeth and just nod my head, but it is exhausting.  My brain currently feels like it's a basket full of dozens of scraps of paper, each with a job or thing to do and/or remember written on it, but the basket is constantly filling up and overflowing at the sides, with bits of the paper dropping out, so I'm forgetting a few things or constantly worrying that I've missed something.  Where's that desert island when you need it?


  1. It does sound hard going, Sooze. It doesn't help to know he can't help it, either. I know that feeling of too many things to do/remember. Many's the night I can't sleep because my brain just won't switch off. Maybe it's another of the "joys" of being a woman!
    At least you've got your laptop functioning again. I know what you mean about trying to do stuff on your phone. How people watch feature films on their phone, I don't know. I'd be cross eyed, with a banging headache, in no time! xx

  2. If we shop together we do the exact opposite at the checkouts, as like your hubby, Alan is a crap packer ... no other word for it. I pack everything away logically and carefully while he loads the conveyor belt and then waits to pay. If we are shopping together but with different trolleys, I just do mine and then try not to watch him do his, or my teeth would fall out with all the gritting!!

  3. You are having a rough time right now. Perhaps as Sue does you could try and change jobs the next time you go shopping.

    God bless.

  4. Sounds all too familiar. One of the reasons why I changed to self-scanning.


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