
Saturday 31 August 2024

Ear mufflers required

 So it's off home today, just for one night... we'll be back here in the van tomorrow.  Although frankly it's not particularly peaceful here now.  There are more and more dogs appearing on site - not that I don't like dogs obviously, I'm just not keen on noisy ones.  Our new neighbours have a border collie (the lovely ex-neighbours C & J didn't have a dog) - to be fair, this collie is very quiet.  Our neighbours on the other side have 2 small, very yappy, dogs and have since also acquired a black Labrador puppy - very excitable.  And there's a new van owner nearby, a middle aged woman on her own who also has 3 dogs (what's the fascination with 3?) - very small, black fluff balls - what they lack in size they make up for in voice.  They are exceedingly noisy, going into a frenzy of yapping at anything that moves, and their owner makes little attempt to shut them up.  They also keep escaping and tear round the site yapping their heads off and setting off every other dog barking.  So it's a choice between the noise and mess at home with the kitchen fitters, or a cacophony of yappy dogs on the park.

Husband has managed to do a temporary repair on the van problem, for which I am grateful.  

I just hope the kitchen fitting is going well.... we'll find out later today!


  1. I sympathise! We have a 17mth old black lab who hardly ever barks, apart from when he pretends to be a guard dog. On the other hand we've inherited my late mother in law's 15yr old jack russell (we've had him since last November) and he barks constantly .... at nothing! I have to quieten him all the time as we live on a small cul-de-sac and don't want to upset the neighbours. My last resort is to send him inside.

  2. Oh what a shame. I've never understood dog owners who allow their pets to constantly bark and yap, without attempting to stop them. It obviously doesn't bother them, so they think it won't bother others! I hope you get a very pleasant surprise when you get home, and your kitchen is starting to look good, and when you get back to the site, the noisy neighbours have disappeared! xx

  3. That's a real shame as the peace and quiet was one of the things you loved the most - a real bolt hole. xx


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