
Friday 16 August 2024

Nothing to do! And a recipe for a cheesy courgette sauce

 We've each got a couple of small jobs to do this morning, but that's it.  Other than the normal everyday jobs, for the first time in ages, we actually have more or less nothing to do and no appointments for the next week.  And the weather is forecast to be good - dry, mostly sunny but not too hot.  We could have a couple of days out....I'll have to have a think about that, see if I can come up with somewhere that's not going to be crowded with tourists.

Our next door neighbours keep giving us a load of runner beans every few days....they must have grown a field's worth of them 😂 (they have an allotment).  They tried to give us some yellow courgettes too - I gracefully declined, as we have more than enough of our own.  I've asked that they don't give us any more beans now - I've frozen the last ones they gave us yesterday and I am trying to empty the freezer!  

Trying to be inventive with the glut of courgettes, the other day I came up with an idea for what turned out to be a lovely pasta sauce.  I gently fried the sliced courgettes in a little olive oil, until they were soft and beginning to caramelise.  I added some seasoning (plenty of black pepper, a little salt), some chopped sage and chives, and whizzed it up with my stick blender when it had cooled.  Then I mixed in a big blob of cream cheese, a splash of cream and handful of grated mature Cheddar and heated through on a low heat....a lovely cheesy herby veg sauce for pasta, vegetarian and could be vegan if vegan cheese/cream used.  It would be even better using blue cheese, and chopped cooked smoked bacon could be added for meat eaters.  I'll be doing this sauce again.

I'd bought a couple of tins of low salt and sugar baked beans to try a couple of weeks ago, neither of us was impressed with them, we both thought they had a very artificial chemical fact husband said he never wanted them again and I could throw out the 2nd tin!  Erm no, I don't chuck perfectly ok food away, so I'll jazz them up a bit, we'll have them tonight with a jacket spud.  He'll be none the wiser, I just won't tell him!  I'll add a tsp honey, some smoked paprika and a dessertspoon of tomato chutney, that'll disguise the taste.  I often give husband things he's professed not to like (he has these sudden dislikes of food he's previously enjoyed, another of his cognitive impairment things), I either add things to them to change the taste, or incorporate them into something else, he happily eats them then.  I don't tell him what I've done, I just make sure he doesn't see me doing it.


  1. Sneaky!🤭
    We tried the low sugar/salt baked beans once. Never again, they were awful!
    Is there a food bank/kitchen that would take your neighbour's excess produce? It's such a shame if it goes to waste. xx

  2. Nice way to use up those zucchini. I will have to give that a try.

    God bless.


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