
Friday 23 August 2024

Jobs lists working through

 I feel marginally less stressed, having yesterday written down the list of jobs to do/things to remember, and crossing things off as I do them.  I sat husband down, having first prised him away from his computer games and turned the TV off so I had his attention.  I explained (and showed him the list) of jobs to do, and said he'd have to help me, as I cannot do it all myself.  I did tell him (thanks K, it's been so useful!!) that unfortunately there is no jobs fairy, it's down to me - and him - to do stuff.  And he needs to be more considerate and think about things more, rather than just doing something with no thought.  E.g. I'd sorted out a basketful of washing a couple of days ago, it was all whites/light coloured stuff - he threw the pair of dark grey tracksuit bottoms he'd just taken off into the same basket, claimed he didn't notice.  I know he'll revert back to his 'normal' - being completely oblivious and not remembering - within a few days, but hopefully his present 'helpfulness' will last a couple of days until we go to the caravan.  Which is all I need, he can do what he likes when we're there, I won't have much to do so can relax a bit.  I've written him a little list of things he needs to take to the caravan (the Freesat box and cable for a start, he'd be a nightmare with no TV, as he was the last time), his grass strimmer and battery, to name a few.  So that's his responsibility and something I won't have to worry about, other than checking on the day we go that he actually has everything.

This morning I've made Scotch eggs - vegetarian ones.....I had 3 eggs and half a packet of stuffing mix to use up, that'll do for lunches with some homegrown mini cucumbers and tomatoes for the next couple of days and gets rid of another couple of food items out of the kitchen.  The freezer will be empty by Monday, I'm pleased to say I've planned it all pretty well - there won't be much left in the fridge either and whatever is left will be going to the caravan with us.

We were having the caravan plumber over next week to do the gas boiler service, but had a phone call this morning to say his partner has just gone into labour (2 weeks early) with their first child, so he's having a fortnight's paternity leave.  So we'll be going back to the caravan for a day or two once he's back at work.

The weather looks good for next week, which will be lovely.  I'm looking forward to it, and even more so to coming home to a brand new kitchen.  I feel so blessed.


  1. It should have worked out just right for you at the caravan next week, the forecast is for much better and warmer weather again. Not like the storm we have here at the moment, it's torrential rain and there are trees down all over the place.

  2. I do love a list, and it's even better as things get crossed off, sadly for my hubby I add to the list as fast as he does things. New kitchen is so exciting.

  3. I must start writing lists, rather than just having a mental one (that drives me mental!) Trouble is, I fear the list will just get longer and longer and tasks rarely crossed off! I hope the weather is good for you at the caravan. You can sit back and relax, then come back to your lovely new kitchen. Exciting! xx

  4. I couldn't function without my lists! If it's on the list, I don't need to worry about keeping it in my head!

  5. I definitely need my lists, those things keep me sane.

    God bless.


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