
Saturday 17 August 2024

Slightly unnerving, and my laugh for today

 Well, husband didn't notice that the baked beans were the low salt/sugar ones that he'd previously said were awful and didn't want ever fact he commented that they were nice (I hadn't told him what beans they were) and asked what I'd added to them.  I liked them too, but shan't bother buying those ones again.....not much point when I have to add extras to them to disguise the taste and make them palatable.

Our freezer and larder food stocks are diminishing rapidly, there'll be nothing left in the freezer by the end of next weekend, so we'll be able to get it out in the car port and leave it switched off.  It's on wheels so is relatively easy to move.  I must say it's quite unsettling not having plenty of food in - well, there's plenty of food to last us the next week or so, what I mean is that I've not got back up stocks now, having deliberately been running the stock down over the last few weeks and not shopping for much.  I've been so used to having well stocked food stores, extras in case of emergencies, that not having much left in feels quite unnerving really.  I'll be stocking up again after the new kitchen's in, we'll shop for whatever we need in the caravan whilst we're there, there's a small supermarket in the nearby village.

Betty's been in a very playful mood this morning, playing with all her toys and having zoomies, charging around the lounge and hallway and in and out of my bedroom whilst I've been sat here in my bedroom armchair.  She's got a cushion bed beside my armchair, although generally sleeps on my bed overnight, unless it's very hot when she does get off and lay on her cushion bed instead.  She came running in just now and dived underneath her bed, then stood up with the bed balanced on top of her head and body, she looked like she was wearing it.  I was laughing so much, it was so funny, my phone is in the lounge on charge otherwise I'd have taken a photo!  She makes me laugh every single day.  She'll be 8 in October (her 2 parent breeds generally have life spans of around 10 years or so) but still acts like a puppy.  She's exhausted herself now and is lying on my bed, staring at me.  Bless her, I love her to bits.

Still nothing much on for the coming week, just got to go to the library, get stuff ready for going to the caravan, and empty the last bits of essential stuff we're using out of the kitchen at the end of next weekend.

Husband has this week finished his GP referral course at the gym and has decided he'd like to take out a membership there, so he can go 3x a week, which I think is a very good idea.  It's a small gym, there are mostly older users there (mostly GP referred) although the instructors are younger, and doesn't cost a huge amount.  It'll be good for him, the one hour a week GP referral - whilst a good idea in principle - just isn't enough to make much of a difference.  The instructors are all trained in looking after older people with health problems and do keep a good eye on the customers, so I have no worries about him going there, I know he'll be looked after.  And of course it gives me more free time!


  1. Yes, animals are funny at times and I love it when they get the zoomies. So much energy to expend, then they flake out, exhausted! It will be great for both of you if your husband goes to the gym 3 times a week. All that time for you and he should reap the physical and mental benefits, too. Win, win! I've no doubt, once your new kitchen is finished, you'll quickly re-stock. I think it'll be hard to get you out of there for a while! xx

  2. We always loved watching Suky's zoomies, even during her final week she had zoomies on the beach. She loved the sand. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  3. Your Betty sounds very lively indeed for a middle-aged lady ๐Ÿ˜† Long may it continue! The gym is a great idea - good for your hubby's physical health and good for your mental health ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Any exercise three times a week is more than most people do!


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