
Sunday 25 August 2024

Boxes ticked

 I've worked through nearly all the jobs on my list and am well up to date.  The only things left to do are to pack away the remaining few bits of essential kitchen equipment tomorrow after dinner, then move the table and chairs into the lounge and put the small electric cooking appliances on the table and move the freezer out in the car port to defrost, it's on wheels and is relatively easy to move.  The kitchen fitters will move the fridge and washing machine out on Tuesday morning.  I did the last load of washing yesterday lunchtime, the sun came out so I thought I might as well get the washing out whilst the weather was reasonable.  There's a little bit of washing left in the basket, not enough for a full load though and nothing essential.  I got the clothes, my books, my meds and Betty's food and treats for the caravan all sorted yesterday, ready for packing today.  I did get husband to sort his clothes too, but will have to go through them myself today, as he'll no doubt have too many of some things and not enough of others.  He's got his meds for the week to put in his dosset box today, which I will supervise.  We're planning on coming back home next Saturday, to see how the kitchen fitters have got on - we'll stay overnight and go back to the van on Sunday morning, they're expecting to finish everything by the following Tuesday or Wednesday. 

We've had a few odd meal combos over the past week or 10 days, whilst I've been using up everything from the freezer....not that I mind, it's all been perfectly edible and nothing has gone to waste.  A sprinkle of cheese makes anything taste alright 😂😂.  I shall be quite glad to get back to normal healthy eating though.....I might even join Joy and do a Mediterranean-style meal plan - lots of lovely veggies, fish, nuts and olive oil, which is pretty much what I like to eat anyway.  And it'll soon be homemade soup weather!! 😁

There's a big The Range store not far from where the caravan park is, it has a very large craft section with loads of art supplies, so I shall go and have a look there one day this coming week.  I think they do little starter kits of art stuff, that might be a good idea, I might even get one for trying out in the caravan.

Did anyone watch Sam Smith at the Proms last night?  I've no comments to make on his sexuality, choices of pronouns or what he wears, I just love his singing, he's got such a beautiful soulful voice.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, even husband didn't complain (as I'd warned him in the morning that I intended to watch it). 


  1. I remember many years ago, going on holiday with my husband's brother and his wife. She had organised everything for herself, their baby, all the camping gear and food. All her husband was expected to do was provide her with a list of which clothes he wanted to take. He didn't bother to make a list as he said all he needed was a shirt and a couple of pairs of underpants.
    So that is exactly what she packed, one shirt and two pairs of pants!

  2. That did make me laugh Hard up Hester. Another case of the jobs fairy expected to do things!
    You've got everything well organised, Sooze. Just need the kitchen fitting to go smoothly and everything will be hunky dory. I remember when my children were little and sometimes I'd just cobble a meal together out of whatever I could find in the cupboards and fridge. They always said how nice it was, and could they have it again. Trouble was, I could never remember what I'd done! xx

  3. I love Sam Smith, but prefer to just listen rather than watch, like you some of the modern persona's I find very different from the world I inhabit. Enjoy the caravan break, and your new adventures into art.

  4. All organised Sooze, hope you find some nice crafty bits at The Range.

  5. Won't it be lovely to create healthy Mediterranean style meals in your NEW kitchen. I bet you can't wait!
    Have a happy time in The Range. xx


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