
Friday 2 August 2024

Up then down, then up again

 I felt quite rough again yesterday evening, so went to bed early again.  This flu virus, or whatever it is, is certainly hanging on.  I don't feel so bad this morning though, so hopefully will be able to get on with things, at a slow pace with breaks as needed.  We have lots of garden produce now that needs processing - I shall be blanching and freezing the excess - and there's a load of weeding that needs doing in the garden.  Although husband has been sitting out there a lot, he's oblivious to the weeds.  He says his sore throat is still there, but seems to be easing, and he doesn't feel unwell at all, so that's good.

We've got to take Betty to the vet at lunchtime, we think she's got another ear infection.  Poor thing.  She really doesn't like this heat either, the bungalow thankfully stays reasonably cool, but we have all the windows open, with the curtains closed in the sunniest rooms, and the fan going so she can stay cool.  We do have a cool mat for her, but she won't lie on it!  Obviously, we're replenishing her water bowls with fresh cold water several times a day, she does drink quite often.  We take her out for a short walk early in the morning and again in the evening when the heat has died down.

Our one green courgette plant is coming to an end now, although the two yellow ones are still going strong.  Husband's going to pull up the green plant, to make space for some cauli plants our neighbour kindly gifted us, he also gave us a pile of lovely young runner beans, we're having them with dinner tonight, I'm doing a garden veg risotto.

Annabeth, I used to do the home shopping quite often when we lived in our last house, as we were so far away from the though the shops are just a couple of miles away, and I do like to choose produce especially myself.....the pickers are never as conscientious about it.  But it would certainly be a good idea to have a home delivery if either of us isn't well again.  K, I'd never heard of a neti pot so looked it up - have to say it really doesn't appeal to me!  I hope you don't have to wait ages for your nasal polyp op, and that it does the trick.  Joy, our warden doesn't live on site, we have either a weekly visit or a phone call.  Most of our neighbours on this sheltered housing site are disabled, elderly or unable to drive, but I'm sure one or two of them would be able to help us out in case of emergency, should the need arise.  Thank you everyone for your good wishes.


  1. I wonder if your husband suffers from hay fever? That can cause a sore throat, not just the sneezing, eye watering, and can start at any age. I hope he's now feeling better, the last thing you need as you recover, is having to look after him (more than you already do!) I hope Betty's ears are quickly sorted. The heat won't help her either! It's good that you have people around you can call on in an emergency. I just hope you don't need to! xx

  2. I agree with you - the main reason why I do shopping face to face is because I really want to pick my fresh stuff - well, everything, in fact. Maybe, the more we cook from scratch, from fresh, the more important it becomes.
    How lovely to have fresh runner beans. Picked, prepped and cooked, there's not a nicer vegetable out there and I might possibly be just slightly jealous! Enjoy.
    And take care, my friend. You've been pretty unwell . . . xx


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