
Monday 19 August 2024

Blimmin technology

 My laptop charger has died, it had been playing up for the past month, so I'll have to blog etc on my phone whilst I'm waiting for a new one (the computer shop are ordering it for me, it's not a 'normal' one 🙄).  So it'll be short blogs in the meantime, and my phone doesn't always allow me to comment on other blogs, sorry about that - I'll still be reading though.

Nipped into town this morning (computer shop and library), just after 9 am and we already found it hard to park, busy even at that time, tourists everywhere.  Another fortnight and the kids will be back to school and we'll get our town and beaches back!


  1. It will be so nice to have our towns back from the holidaymakers, although we only have a huge influx on market day and as long as I go out and run errands before 10am the shops are usually quite child free.

  2. Don't ya just love technology? Have to admit, as an ex-teaching assistant, I don't miss the start of term. Even school staff get that awful sinking feeling as the summer holidays come to an end, especially if there's not been much summer to speak of! xx

  3. I can only comment when my phone signal is strong. It's weaned me off the Internet which isn't a bad thing.

  4. Hope you get your charger very soon. While I do use my phone occasionally to post or comment, my fingers seem to hit the wrong keys quite often.

    God bless.


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