
Thursday 8 August 2024

Cough, cough, cough

 I'm feeling somewhat better now, other than the hacking cough which sounds like I've been smoking 40 ciggies a day all my life.....I did smoke when I was young and stupid, but only 10 a day and I packed up 30+ years ago.  My chest and stomach muscles are sore too, from all the coughing, and the smallest job wears me out - I have been taking things easy and have lots of sit downs.  I've eaten lots of fresh fruit, homegrown garden veggies, fish and good sourdough bread.  Not so much cheese or yogurt though, as it was contributing to the mucus problems.  I've drunk lactose-free milk for years but, up till now (well, the virus thingy), haven't really had problems with yogurt or cheese before.  The biggest leftover problem from the flu virus (or whatever it was) though is definitely the overwhelming tiredness and brain fog, and the coughing of course.

We've got no appointments this week or next, which is good as it means I can make a start on emptying out the kitchen cupboards - well, in theory anyway, actually doing it might be a different matter.  I've planned in what order we're going to do it, and where we can put all the stuff - the little used crockery, cooking pots & utensils can go in plastic boxes in the car port.  Tins and packets of food in boxes in the lounge (I've steadily been using up food supplies so there won't be a great deal), along with the microwave, air fryer, table top cooker, toaster etc - although these electrical items won't be moved until a day or 2 before the kitchen fitters arrive, as I'll still be using them.  I'll have some unused kitchen equipment to go to the charity shop, no point in keeping stuff I haven't used since we moved here and cluttering up my new kitchen cupboards.  And a few tins and packets of food can go in the Foodbank box in the supermarket.

Having said that though, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the stuff that needs doing - we were thinking about going to the caravan for a long weekend as I have less to do there, the jobs aren't staring me in the face like they are here.  However, the forecast is for hot weather at the weekend - nice, but not in a tin box, neither Betty nor I cope well with that, so we won't be going.

Meanwhile, the problem relative has decided to rattle all our cages again, for the stupidest of reasons - so-called problems which have the rest of us itching to tell them to get a life, as we all have genuine everyday life things going on!  Examples from this week (and this is just some of them) - couldn't make themselves a hot drink as they forgot to take milk out of the freezer and it was taking ages to defrost.  Their TV remote wasn't working (try changing the batteries?).  They fell out of bed (they're a middle aged adult, not a child or an elderly person and didn't do themselves any damage).  Their toilet doesn't always flush first time.  I would add that we live about 200 miles away, and another close relative who they frequently badger is currently on a family holiday in France, both of which the problem relative seems oblivious to.  Perhaps they think we have helicopters at our disposal and unlimited time. 

Went into town yesterday, husband needed some tomato feed and I wanted my favourite sourdough bread from the Co-op.  Was glad I went in there as they had a fish pie mix of cod, salmon and smoked haddock and loads of fresh cod fillets in their reduced cabinet.  I bought the fish pie mix and 2 of the cod fillets packs, each containing 2 fillets, all yellow stickered to a quarter of the price - bargain.  They all went straight in the freezer.  I do love fish.


  1. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better, the cough is always a pain. I do love fish and will often choose it over meat.

  2. It's certainly a strong bug you've had. Glad you're over the worst of it, but do take it easy for the next few days. As for the jobs that need doing, a little and often. Plenty of rests in-between, and they'll get done, eventually. Sorry your problem relative is causing headaches again. It's not easy is it? Take care of yourself, they'll have to take care of themselves! xx

  3. I love fish pie! And tonight I'm trying a Mediterranean cod dish. The current bug that is doing the rounds seems to be affecting everyone badly. Glad you're on the mend.

  4. Have discovered I can comment on my phone. Sounds like you had a bad bout of whatever it was. Hope it all goes away quickly now. Take care.

  5. Glad to read that you're on the mend. Keep resting as much as you can, mentally as well as physically. It's a shame you won't be able to get to thd caravan. I think we'll be warm at ours but we don't want to miss it as we have a family wedding the weekend after, and I need my fix of the beach!

  6. It sounds like you are improving slowly but surely.

    God bless.

  7. Hopefully you've had a decent sleep and the coughing is starting to subside.


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