
Monday 12 August 2024

Like a cow's a*se - and a huge marrow

 Kitchen manager rang this morning, to confirm a couple of details, so we now know the fitting is definitely going ahead 2 weeks tomorrow.  We started emptying some of the crockery, glasses and cookware cupboards this morning, 3 plastic boxes filled and stacked out in the car port, we'll carry on with it tomorrow.  I also did another freezer inventory, I'm fairly sure we'll be able to eat most of the contents within the next fortnight - any few leftovers (there should only be perhaps 2 meals' worth) we'll take to the caravan, that'll be meals sorted for the first couple of days there.

After having a peaceful weekend, the neighbours' noisy builders have arrived back, so there's banging and crashing galore going on, which is irritating when we have to have all the windows open because of the heat.  Thank goodness they stop around 5 pm.  I don't know how much longer it'll go on for, hopefully all the really noisy stuff will be over by the time we get back from the caravan to our lovely new kitchen.

For weeks now I've been feeling like I'm chasing my tail (or as my friend says, like a cow's a*se - all behind!), constantly trying to catch up with myself.  I've said before, and as everyone knows, moving house is a very expensive business, it took all of our savings, which turned out to be not nearly enough as the move happened so quickly and a few years before we'd been told it would, and I've not yet managed to replace them.  However, the last bit of financial catching up will be done next week (hooray!!), and then I can start the savings again in earnest.  We have a few expensive purchases to make over the next few months, but that's fine - it doesn't all need to be done at once, we'll do it one thing at a time.  By the beginning of September, fingers crossed, we should be well and truly solvent again, which will be a huge weight off my shoulders.

I had a quick look in the garden earlier - I spotted half a dozen mini cucumbers ready to pick (a couple of which were no longer mini!) and several yellow courgettes, one of them was fully grown MARROW size.  It's husband's job to water and pick the veg, he claims he does it regularly - every day he says - but how he could have missed the MARROW I don't know, I saw it straight away.  He just doesn't look beyond the end of his nose, obviously.

We had lots of thunder this morning - no lightning, well not that I saw - and a couple of 2-minute sharp showers.....hardly enough to wet the garden and even the paths were dry again minutes later.  Not a drop in the water butt.  It was unpleasantly humid and sticky during the night and all morning, but has freshened up now and isn't nearly so hot - 25 deg according to the thermometer.  Hopefully, we'll be able to sleep better tonight, I hardly got any sleep last night, far too sticky, and poor Betty was restless too, she wasn't liking the humidity either.


  1. I do hope the building work is over soon. It's very wearing when it's not even your noise! Very humid here today and it did look like we were going to get some rain earlier, but it's now sunny. We bought a small, re-chargeable fan from QVC last year. We had it on last night in the bedroom. Luckily it's quiet, and the charge lasts for a good few hours, so we can have it on and it just runs until the charge goes. Just moves the air around enough to make it comfortable. Sounds like you've got your finances in order and you can start that nest egg again. It's good to have a small financial cushion, isn't it? xx

    1. The latest skip has gone (it was right beside our bungalow) so it's much quieter today, thank goodness. It was also much cooler last night in the bedroom, so a better sleep all round. xx

  2. Hopefully the building work is done soon. I seem to miss cucumbers quite often even though I hunt through the leaves every day.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, I guess it is fairly easy to miss some of them!

  3. I absolutely love that saying!
    You may feel you are 'all behind' but, truly, I think you are doing amazingly well in spite of all the ups and downs. To be back into solvency so quickly and to be so well organised for the new kitchen (exciting!) is fantastic and I am filled with admiration.
    Hopefully, you will have a lovely, restful time away and come back refreshed. xx

    1. Thank you for that, Joy, means a lot xx


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