
Friday 30 August 2024

Weeding and problems

 It's not all been relaxing here, we've done lots of gardening fact a bit too much, all the bending, pruning and weeding has done my back in, so no more for a day or two.  The amount of rain this year, interspersed with some very hot days, has really caused the weeds to grow and some of the shrubs to go berserk.  It's mostly all weeded and cut back now, thank goodness.  I have 3 roses in pots here at the caravan, none of which have done well at all....I also have one in the ground, which has done fantastically well.  So there's a lesson.  I shall take the 3 potted ones home and plant them in the ground, I expect they'll do much better there.

We've got a problem with the caravan, which husband seems unable to deal with - I'm sure he would have been able to fix it relatively easily years ago but not now, his cognitive impairment has put paid to that.  His mind just seems unable to grasp how to.  I know nothing about DIY so can't help, I'll either have to Google the problem when we go home tomorrow (internet here isn't reliable), or husband will have to get some advice in a caravan workshop place - there's one on the way home.

Husband literally cannot remember or take in anything the last couple of days, I expect the van problem is totally occupying his mind.  It's wearing me out though, I'm having to repeat things to him constantly all the time, it's exhausting.


  1. What is the problem with the van?

  2. Oh, dear, not quite the relaxing few days you'd hoped for. Is there anyone about who can advise about the problem with the caravan? Might be worth asking around. xx

  3. Oh my. I do hope you can get the repair on the caravan done easily and relatively inexpensively.

    God bless.

  4. Oh dear I thought going to the caravan was to be restful.. hope your husband improves.

  5. Hoping the van can be sorted. xx


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