
Saturday 3 August 2024

If a job needs doing.....

 I went downhill and felt utterly dreadful again by the afternoon yesterday, possibly a case of doing too much, too soon.  But what else am I supposed to do?  When things need doing, they have to be done, and I can't just sit around and ignore all the jobs, nor do I want to have to throw all the garden produce away because it hasn't been dealt with, in this hot weather some of the veggies wilt and spoil very quickly.  Husband persists in picking/digging it up, but then just dumps it in the kitchen without doing anything about it.  Case of the 'Jobs Fairy will do it' obviously, he just doesn't think.  There's no point in me getting annoyed with him, or hoping that he'll realise I need help, his brain just doesn't work like that.  And as I've said before, if I ask him to do something he quite often moans about it, or says he will and then instantly forgets, so I just do it myself.  And yes it does make me resentful sometimes, but that's life.

The vet gave Betty's ears a good clean out and then put some stuff in them, so she'll be fine in a day or two.  They suggested we buy a steroid spray (from them) to squirt in her ears every few a cost of £45 for a 75 ml bottle - and that was with the 10% discount we get with the expensive monthly vet costs plan we pay (on top of her pet insurance).  No thanks, we're not made of money.  I googled it at home - online vet meds suppliers sell it for £22!!  Less than half the price the vet charges.  It's prescription only though so I could only get it online if I supplied a vet prescription - for which the vet charges, of course.  We have come to the conclusion that we really don't like this vet practice, they are part of a chain and seem to be purely a business - they're cold and clinical in their dealings with us and Betty, and I haven't warmed to them at all, they're abrupt to the point of rudeness sometimes and their charges are astronomical.  We've asked a couple of neighbours who have dogs where they go, and they both recommended a different vet, a family practice nearby, their online reviews are all glowing, citing their kindness and caring attitude.  And apparently they don't charge silly prices either.  So we'll be changing to them.

I'm very up and down right now, sometimes I feel better but as soon as I start doing anything, I quickly feel very poorly again.  This flu virus, or whatever it is, has really taken it out of me, both physically and mentally.  I'm going to try doing some tidying up in the garden today, a bit at a time.  I was looking at it yesterday, it's got so weedy and overgrown in the last couple of weeks - husband has been sitting out there a lot whilst I've not been well and stayed in my room, but he's completely oblivious to what needs doing.  My lovely lush green and healthy herb bath now looks like a disaster, it's all brown and dying, I suspect it's not been watered much, if at all.  The white flowered climbing rose, which had reached the top of the obelisk, is covered with powdery mildew, I'll have to cut it right back and dispose of the cuttings in a bag for the tip, they can't go in the compost bin.  There are thistles and weeds everywhere, a few of the hostas have died off.  It's all a bit of a mess which is upsetting.  

1 comment:

  1. Don't be tempted to do too much. Unfortunately, all those jobs will still be there when you're better, but at least you'll have the energy to tackle them!
    I'm glad you've discovered a vet who seems to have their customers' (both animal and human) interests at heart. Veterinary medicine is expensive though, isn't it? xx


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