
Wednesday 14 August 2024

Obsessions, and almost finished

 This morning we nipped into town, stopping off at the GP surgery on the way to drop the bagful of out of date and no longer needed meds to the dispensary for safe disposal.  Then on to the supermarket for a couple of fresh items and some dog food.

Back home, we emptied out the last of the kitchen equipment cupboards - just 3 drawers and 2 double food cupboards left now.  Husband has been helping, but he's often more of a hindrance than a help - instead of doing what I ask (I'm very organised, so I know exactly what needs doing, when, and where it's going), he often does the complete opposite, or does things that I haven't asked and don't actually want doing at this moment.  It wears me out, having to keep a constant eye on him and repeat things all the time.  I've still not regained full strength (and still have the hacking cough) and am feeling decidedly weary now, so am resting for the afternoon.

Husband keeps coming up with (so-called) 'bright' ideas on how to fix the hot water system (oh and the heating, he discovered that currently doesn't work either, thankfully it's not needed right now!).  He's constantly been googling and talking my ears off for the past few days, it's his latest obsession.  I've told him, we are not plumbers or heating engineers, it's not our job to fix these things, it's the Housing Association's responsibility - we pay enough rent and service charges for them to deal with it!  The repair appointment is on the calendar, and we'll be away in the caravan in less than a fortnight, so it's only a little while to wait and not really much of an inconvenience.  Why he can't be satisfied with that I don't know - well, obviously it's down to his cognitive impairment, but he's doing my head in again.

Things to do tomorrow - empty the kitchen drawers and sort out the food cupboards.  The largest cupboard containing all my baking ingredients will be interesting - I don't really do much baking nowadays, so I suspect there'll be quite a bit I don't want or need anymore.  Things like open packets of flour, yeast, baking powder etc will probably have to be binned - I'm not likely to be doing any baking in the next couple of weeks.  If there's anything unopened (and in date) the foodbank might use, obviously it will go to them, the rest will be packed into a plastic box and stored temporarily in the lounge until the new kitchen is done.  Things like tinned beans, tomatoes and fish and packets of rice will go to the caravan when we go, it's always useful to have those there so I can make a quick meal without having to go shopping when we arrive.

Almost finished now.  It's been like a mini version of moving house again!


  1. You seem to have everything under control (even if you feel like the proverbial swan!). It'll just be a case of putting everything back into your lovely, new, shiny cupboards and drawers. Yes, leave the hot water and heating to the experts. Even if your husband could fix them, the time, headaches and hassle, isn't worth it. Best to sit back and watch! xx

  2. My hubby is not as bad as yours but (I fear) heading in the same direction with cognitive issues that he refuses to acknowledge. Like you I am very organised and really do not need his suggestions particularly as he gets very irritable if I do not agree with his latest mad idea. I have learnt to just say 'yes dear' knowing full well that 90% of the time he will have pretty soon forgotten whatever daft idea he had and I will never have to worry about it again. I hate it because I feel I am lying to his face but it keeps the peace.

  3. I know how the obsessions must get you down, my mum's latest is being anxious that the carers for the final visit of the day won't come to to make her some supper and a drink and help her to bed. They are scheduled to go at around 6pm but can be a bit late, however, one evening way back in March they did not arrive until after 8.30pm and had not rung to say they would be delayed. She was beside herself as my sister who lives nearby was on holiday and I am 90 miles away and she was ringing me every 15 minutes until they eventually arrived (and I must say I was getting worried she had been overlooked). So now she becomes anxious every night and has been ringing the care agency over and over from 5.30pm until they do arrive. It is hard to stop these obsessions isn't it once they start.
    You sound as if you have the kitchen refit all under control, hope you get good weather at the caravan. x

  4. I hear you! The hyper focus can be very hard to cope with and can really wear you out. And then they get what my late Mum would have called "notions" about stuff, which can be very difficult to dislodge... πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

  5. Is it possible that you would be in breach of contract to try and fix things like that yourselves? How very frustrating for you though.

    You're doing amazingly well - so close now and very exciting. xx


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