
Thursday 10 June 2021

A good day at home

 Home day today, but just as busy.  Having spent a lot of time at the caravan over the last week, we've obviously not done a lot in the house.  So I had 2 loads of washing to do, a lot of tidying up (bits for the caravan all over the place), made a quiche for tomorrow's caravan lunch, did some menu plans for the next few days - meal planning has gone out of the window lately, but now I'm organised.  Also ordered the van kitchen wallpaper on the internet (thank goodness for online ordering!).  Steam cleaned the 10 van sofa cushions plus 2 arm rests, they dried outside in no time and smell so much fresher now.

Went for my hospital appointment this afternoon, husband called in at Argos to collect the furniture we'd ordered from there.  I found a nice little cupboard in their clearance section, it's to go in the dining area as extra storage for kitchen stuff, as there's not a lot of storage in the galley kitchen.  As it was quite a bit cheaper than I was expecting to pay for a cupboard, I ordered a nice table and 2 chairs as well.  I won't be able to get in my craft room for a while (if I even had the time for any crafts!) as it's fast filling up with things for the caravan.

Going back to the caravan early tomorrow morning to make a start on the lounge and kitchen painting.  We're not taking Betty this time, the damp proofing paint for the kitchen apparently smells quite a lot so I don't want her affected by the least we've got masks to wear!  Then we'll stay home on Saturday, and go back again on Sunday.  Will be interesting to see if any other owners are there at weekends - at the moment, there's only a handful during the week.

We were told by another owner yesterday that one of the other owners is a good handyman who can turn his hand to anything, loves helping out and doesn't charge much, so that's good to know.  He's not in residence all the time though, so it's a case of catching him when you see him.

Very tired today as Betty woke me in the early hours of the morning - think she'd had a bad dream, I suddenly heard her making that loud honking 'reverse sneezing' which sounds like whooping cough.  It didn't wake husband!  I dashed downstairs (well, as much of a dash as one can make with a bad back and painful hip) and calmed her down, she was ever so pleased to see me and rested her head on my chest.  I took her back up to bed with me, she soon settled down but her breathing was very noisy for a while, think it must have hurt her throat a bit.  I eventually got back to sleep, but then woke up again with a dead leg coz she was laying on it.  I didn't mind though.  Hopefully, we'll sleep better tonight.


  1. You sound so upbeat, Sooze, even if your back and hip are still causing you problems. The caravan adventure seems to have put a spring in your step! Everything seems to be coming together nicely. Hope you (and Betty) get a better sleep tonight. xx

  2. Lovely to read everything is going well, can't wait to read tales of you both relaxing and enjoying the van.

  3. I hope I'm not speaking out of turn but you "sound" so much better. You have something to look forward to and even the cob webs and spiders didn't make you down for long. I hope you enjoy this time and get to relax and the caravan is everything you want.

  4. It makes me smile to hear how upbeat you are sounding lately. It's so nice to have a project Sooze and it sounds tome that the caravan is going to bring you so much joy.

  5. Was going to say the same as previous comments yesterday only could not get into my Google account (sometimes I hate computers)... really chirpy and upbeat May it long continue. Veronica


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