
Tuesday 22 June 2021

There may be troubles ahead....

 My life, head and notebook are full of lists at the moment, and not only mine - husband cannot keep a thought in his head for more than a minute, he forgets things instantly and is terribly disorganised, so I have to keep lists for him too.  It's no wonder I'm mentally (as well as physically) exhausted.

Today, I need to pick up some things from Wilko, do some food shopping, get some menus (for both dinners here at home, and lunches for the caravan) organised.  Betty has a vet appointment, and we have 2 deliveries arriving today, one of which we're supposed to sign for - allegedly - although I've not signed for ANY delivery since the Covid thing has been going on, so doubt I will actually have to for this one.

The next big thing in the caravan will be the kitchen - it's going to be a lot of work and husband is worrying his head off about it.  We have the outside wall (the inside of the outside wall, that is) to prepare - he needs to patch up a few bits, then paint it with the damp proofing (very smelly) stuff, which then needs to be left to dry for I think 24 hours.  He's lining that wall with hardboard once it's dry, then covering it with a PVA solution, then putting up the Contour vinyl wallpaper.  I shall be painting the other walls and ceiling with moisture resistant kitchen & bathroom paint in a nice aqua colour - as it's a small galley kitchen we'll no doubt be in each other's way!  The new vinyl flooring then needs laying.  Once that's done, husband has to fit the new base units, the new worktop and sink and deal with the plumbing for the sink.  No doubt there'll be some problems cropping up with that - anything involving building and installing stuff generally means some shouting, swearing, cuts and bruises and bashed heads! (husband bashes his head regularly, it's a wonder he hasn't knocked himself out yet).  But he'll get it done, eventually, and it will all be fine in the end, I'm sure - it's just fraught with drama, tension, irritability and the odd mistake whilst it's all happening.  It's a pity that a very handy neighbour/friend, who had originally said he'd be glad to help husband with the kitchen, is currently unwell so now won't be able to.  I'll do my best to help him, but I'm no handyman.  The last thing will be putting the new fridge and electric cooker in.

Once that's done, we then need to decorate the main bedroom - there's no way I'm sleeping there until it's done, it's pretty grubby.  Things will get easier after that - it'll be fantastic to actually be able to stay there for a few days whilst we then get on with the bathroom (which will be another big job) and the small bedroom, which will be a doddle.  Having to constantly drive back and forth and spend just a few hours there at a time is both tiring and really limits what we can do, so to be able to stay there and do the remaining work at our own pace will be wonderful, it'll make life so much easier.

We're both at a stage now where we're tired, irritable, aching, sore and a bit fed up - the electricity not being put on until this Friday, and the electrician then coming Saturday to check it all, declare it safe (hopefully!) and install some extra sockets and lighting for us has hampered us.  But we just have to keep pushing on, bit by bit, and keep reminding ourselves how lovely it's all going to be when it's finished, it'll be so worth it.  There's a pub restaurant next door to the park, I think we'll have a meal in there to celebrate when it's all done.


  1. I get to that stage (in a smaller way) with the allotment too. Then, suddenly, I look round and it's all done pretty much. Hopefully it will be the same for you#. Would it help to look back at all you have achieved rather than looking forward to what still needs to be done - a bit of 'well done us' reflection.
    It's worth it, isn't it?
    Love and hugs to you both.

  2. Pleased the handyman took all the rubbish away.
    I am so sorry that your husband forgets things quickly it must be hard for him sometimes for he has health problems and not every man can no all the jobs quickly especially has we get older I know since my stroke I cannot do things has quickly or correctly has I use to,
    Take can and enjoy your days.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. Yes it is hard for him, and also for me, we both have health problems which make life difficult at times. I'm not expecting him to do all the jobs quickly, not at all. Thanks Hazel.

    2. Just take a break every hour or so, even if it's just to have a little stroll or a snooze! It'll all get done eventually and it's not worth getting yourselves frazzled to achieve it a bit earlier. I've found that works for me if there's a tricky or big job to be done. It will be easier once you can stay overnight, then at least you can get cracking when you're fresh in the morning. I find I start to get into "bed mode" sometime after lunch most days! xx

  3. All that work! You will get through it in the end though and just think how wonderful it will feel. You will be ready for that meal at the pub!

  4. You've put in a tremendous lot of work so far, congratulations on it!!! While your hubby's pal is ailing, why not do a simpler job - if you have one - & slow down a little. Perhaps the bedroom?? or the spare room - just for a nap??? If you can sleep there, use the park facilities & eat at the Pub, you might be able to stay for the night. Keep the kitchen for the men to do. It might cheer Himself up.

  5. It will all be worth it in the end - once the kitchen is in it will all start to feel much better.


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