
Thursday 17 June 2021

Lovely purple sofa!

 Thanks very much for comments.  To the unknown reader (please let us know your name!  I don't usually allow anonymous comments) - thank you for your question.  No, we couldn't live in our caravan permanently, not on this park as it's only a holiday park, it doesn't have a residential licence.  To be honest, much as we love it there, we wouldn't really want to live there through the winter, it's a bit out of the way and our van doesn't have central heating, or even double glazing.  That's not going to worry us or be a problem, for the simple reason that the park is closed for the 4 months of winter.  We do have 3 electric heaters and will have lots of throws, and will consider having secondary glazing fitted.

Anyway, here's my sofa now the cushions have been steam cleaned and covered with new loose covers:-

I've got another 2 cushions (purple lavender design) on order (I do like cushions!) and the padded armrests to be added - I forgot to take them today.  Isn't it lovely, and doesn't it go well with the new carpet?  Oh I love it so much.  Now we can sit comfortably for a coffee break when we're doing the rest of the work.  The base of the sofa will be covered up, with carpet covered plywood.

The kitchen is next on the agenda, we ordered some basic white kitchen units, collecting them tomorrow, also have a few more accessories to collect.  We're going back to the van at the weekend to rip out the old kitchen units, one of the single beds in the 2nd bedroom (I'm just having one bed in there, it's too cramped with 2, and that will create enough space for a bigger chest of drawers), and the yucky carpets in the kitchen and bathroom.  Our man with a van will have a full load of rubbish to take away on Monday, he'll certainly be earning his money!

Betty's new bed arrived today (it's in colours to coordinate with the lounge 😁), along with a load of knobs - cupboard door knobs, that is.  There are 17 cupboard door knobs in the lounge, they're old fashioned horrible brass ones - I've chosen ceramic ones in lots of different flowery patterns.  Husband thinks I'm mad but I love them, they're a cheerful bit of fun.  Photos to come next time.

Husband worked really hard today laying the carpet, it needs finishing off (stretching out with a carpet stretcher tool and securing round the edges), I'm very proud of him, he did well.


  1. Ooooooh, it's looking good! I can picture you both, sat with a coffee looking out of the window, with Betty asleep in her colour-coordinated bed. You've both worked hard and it shows. I bet you're really chuffed, as well you should be. xx

  2. Oh WOW! That purple sofa is GORGEOUS! I want one - but I think it might clash with my yellow walls and turquoise accessories! I lived in a caravan for 5 years and absolutely loved it. It was a privately owned site and when the wardens were supplied with a new static van, I offered to buy their old one, a large, 6-berth twin axle ABI tourer. The wardens told me that they much preferred the old one as their new static van was cold and felt flimsy compared to the ABI that I now had. It was a real bargain price as it saved the site owners the hassle of finding a buyer - and it included 12 months ground rent as well. It was a non-residential site, but as I went camping regularly, the owners said that no-one would know how many months I was there. (I suspect it was strictly against the '10 months only' rule, but I enjoyed the life for my 5 years until I retired and moved to a cottage in Devon.)

  3. The new carpet and purple sofa with the new sofa cushion coverings look wonderful. I'm wondering whether you could take a couple photos of the old kitchen units before you put the new ones in. I'd love to see before/after pictures:)

  4. The van looks lovely and the sofa is gorgeous. I am enjoying your renovation.

  5. I wondered the same about living there.
    Great idea the covers and can't wait to see the knobs.

  6. The sofa looks wonderful, such a great colour. I love the idea of the knobs I have done something similar in my bedroom.

  7. Looking good, I do like purple and your sofa and carpet look just right together.

  8. It's lovely seeing you holiday home being transformed. You are going to spend many happy hours there.

  9. It looks gorgeous - thanks for the photo. xx

  10. It is looking really lovely. Love the purple sofa on the grey carpet. It may have worked better than the purple fleck in the end as they compliment each other beautifully.

  11. It's all coming together beautifully, just a little tip get yourselves a couple of footstools, van sofas and chairs are always a couple of inches shallower than normal sofas and it is nice to be able to put your feet up and get comfy .


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