
Friday 25 June 2021

Sorry but

 I won't be doing daily updates for a while - too tired and too busy.  I am taking lots of before and after photos, so there will be a pic-heavy post at some point.


  1. Really looking forward to seeing them, when you have the time and energy. xx

  2. Hope all the plans go well and progress is made. I shall look forward to your After photos

  3. Take all the time you need. xx

  4. Sorry you are tired and hope you will be posting again soon.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

  5. I end up doing the same when I get busy so understand completely - look forward to seeing the finished caravan - don't wear yourself out though in the process.x

  6. Hope all goes well Sooze and looking forward to the photos when you can post them.

  7. Far better for you to just get stuck in and do the renovations rather than worrying about blogging it all, you need to have time to enjoy your new van before Summer is over ... or is it over already? The last couple of days here have been chilly and wet :-(

  8. You need a vacation from your vacation preparations. I think we all understand. Rest as you can. Don't worry about us. We will be here , when you return. :)

  9. Sometimes a break is needed.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.