
Monday 18 October 2021

Put to bed

 Well, the caravan is put to bed for the winter.  We left everything neat, tidy and clean, did all the necessary draining down etc, pulled mattresses and sofa cushions away from the outer walls, opened all room and cupboard doors, defrosted the fridge icebox, cleaned and dried the fridge inside and left the door open, made sure everything was switched off and all plugs, aerial etc pulled out, gas boiler drained and the gas switched off outside.  Put tubs of cat litter everywhere (for moisture traps, a recommendation on the static caravan forum I belong to) with some of those Unstoppables scent booster washing beads in, for a nice fresh smell when we go back to the van.  I'm sure it'll be fine for when we go back next year.  There were quite a few people there yesterday, more than we've seen for a few weeks, they were all obviously closing up too.  Husband kept wondering on the way home if we'd remembered to do everything....I think we have, but the beauty of living not far away is that if we do think of something we didn't do, we still have a couple of weeks to go back and rectify it.

Regarding the furniture - as I said, we're only thinking about it, it's not a done deal.  And we do know it's got to fit through the caravan door!  That's our biggest concern - once we've ensured that we can safely remove the old sofa without affecting the stability of the van walls, that is.  We had a good look at the structure yesterday, having taken off the sofa cushions.....we think that leaving the back board in place will continue to provide the required stability, we can paint it in a neutral colour and it'll be hidden by any new furniture anyway.  Thousands of people have taken out their fixed furniture and replaced with freestanding, it's one of the biggest topics of conversation on the static caravan forum, so we know it's doable.  As for fitting new stuff through the door.....well, again, loads of people have done it.  Obviously, we would measure up. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Some sofas or chairs have backs that can be removed for transportation and ease of access, some people go to the extreme of taking out the front window to get the furniture in that way - not something we have any intention of doing, though.

Our preferred choice would be a 2 seater sofa and a recliner armchair, or possibly a 3 seater sofa with each end seat a recliner.  But we've got the whole winter to think about it and look at possibilities.

Today I have the task of finding places to put all the caravan stuff we brought home.  I think I'm going to have a good clear out of my craft room (it certainly needs it) and put most of the stuff in there, on and under the spare bed.  Our garage leaks like a sieve (we have tried, on numerous occasions, to get the Landlord to do something about it, but he's a skinflint who doesn't see it as a necessity ๐Ÿ˜’).  It also has a rodent problem, husband's found evidence of mice often, so we don't keep anything valuable or mouse destructible in there.  So the spare bedroom/my craft room it is.  We could put some stuff in the loft, but as we don't have a dedicated fitted loft ladder and husband has to bring his ladder upstairs from the garage, it's not something we do often.


  1. It sounds like you've done everything possible to make sure the van will be safe and sound. I'm sure you'll find the right furniture to fit. You've got all winter to research! xx

  2. The way time flies you will be back staying in the caravan in no time at all.

  3. My goodness, there's really quite a lot to do, isn't there? You will miss it over winter but it will be exciting to plan and anticipate next year's visits. I love your furniture ideas.

  4. It sounds like you've done everything you can to keep the caravan fresh and dry ready for next year. As you're quite close I would recommend at least one visit in a month or so just to open the doors and windows for an hour and let out any damp air. We did this when we passed our van once. It was well worth the half hour detour off the motorway to put our minds at rest and the fresh air in the van helped a lot.

    We bought the cheap moisture control pots with granules in and refilled and reused them each Winter. It's ironic that now we have sold the van the caravan park we were on only closes for 6 weeks each year instead of the 3 months we had to miss out on.

    1. Sue, we'd love to visit for a check, but we're not allowed to! :(

  5. As Sue (in Suffolk) mentioned- with the way time flies at our age, opening day will be here before you know it.
    Chasing round furniture stores will keep you busy for a while ๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. Sounds great
    I have asked you before
    But am trying to determine where you and Diary of a Retired Teacher live…and sue in Suffolk…my grand was sent home from UK during Covid…was studying at Bristol…she has since graduated university and works for NYC publisher at home so far until Covid better…how far are each of you from London. I hope the others read this and all reply on your blog…I am now too old to travel there again but nice to know…I live in Florida now..moved here from Indiana in March…have moved 31 times…lol…I read few blogs anymore but yours and theirs my favorites…also A wordy Woman…


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