
Sunday 17 October 2021

A Good Thing!

 Had some exciting news yesterday from our friends from Kent who we saw a couple of times last week when they were here on holiday....if you remember, they visited us at the caravan park and really liked it.  Having put in that cheeky offer on the vacant static (owner is asking way too much and our friends can't/don't want to pay that much), they've now decided they'd really like to have a touring van on a seasonal pitch at our park.  I'm going to find out details from the site owner when we go there today.  There's even a vacant seasonal touring pitch very close to our van, so it would be fantastic if it all worked out and they put their tourer there.

It's going to be a bittersweet day, going to the caravan, having a last meal there (lunch) and then putting it all to bed for the winter.  It's possible our other next door neighbours, the ones with the 2 little yappy dogs, might be there to close theirs up, when we were there last week it was evident they'd been back (some of their outside things had been moved), but they have stuff still outside which I'm sure they'll want to put away for the winter.  Their dogs are a bit of a pain, but they themselves are a nice couple.  There's hardly anyone left there now, so it's very quiet and means husband isn't fond of going there now as he's got nobody to talk to!

We're toying with the idea of taking out the fixed sofa seating next year and having freestanding furniture instead.  Loads of people have done it, both on our park and on the static caravan forum I belong to.  We need to have a proper look behind all the sofa cushions and work out how the sofa was fixed in, and whether it provides structural stability to the van walls.  It may be possible to leave the wooden battening behind the sofa cushions in place and just have freestanding furniture (we're thinking a 2-seater sofa and a recliner armchair, although that's not set in stone) in front of it, we don't know yet.  The middle part of the sofa isn't bad, but each end seat is quite uncomfortable to sit on for any length of time.  And both of us like a recliner chair (we'll have to take turns in it!! 😂).  We'll have a look today, and talk/think about it over the winter.

I've not put any Spring bulbs in the front garden as yet, just concentrated on putting loads in the caravan garden.  I might get some today though, before they all sell out.  I might buy my first ever Christmas tree too!  We don't normally go in for Christmas decorations in any meaningful way.....husband is a right Grinch when it comes to Christmas, although I quite like it.  But I do have mixed feelings about Christmas, at the same time - my beloved Nanna, who I had a very close relationship with (I'm the eldest grandchild) died many years ago on Boxing Day, and of course my Mother died on Christmas Eve the year before last.  So Christmas brings a mixture of emotions for me.  But this year I'd like to put the sadness aside and maybe have some nice decorations to make me smile whenever I look at them.


  1. I did wonder whether your friends might think a bit more about it - that is very exciting, I agree. You'll have such a lovely friendship group there. I like the sound of your seating plans too - I truly would hate to be without my recliner, it's so lovely.

    I really appreciated the Christmas sparkle ands colour last year when all was doom and gloom and it sounds as if this year could be difficult too. As you know, I do tend to go a bit overboard!

  2. That will be so nice if your friends can get a pitch. You're making some good plans already for the spring. If you measure the space, you can plan where you want the new furniture to go. I think your idea of a Christmas tree is a good one. You could buy 2 special baubles for it, in remembrance of your Nanna and Mum. Every year I plan to buy a real, pot-grown tree, so I can put it outside, but never get round to it. This year - maybe! xx

    1. I did this ten years ago and planted the little conifer in my small paddock it's now over twenty feet I'm glad it's at the furthest away from the house.

  3. A Christmas tree is more or less the only decoration I have nowadays and it's right about making a smile - a little bit of light and sparkle for the darkest days.

  4. Could you perhaps buy a sofa with reclining seats, but be very careful to buy one that will get into the caravan door, they tend to be quite small. Treat yourself to a nice Christmas tree and lots of cheerful decorations and lights. My mother died 28th December 2014 and remember that Christmas being very miserable, literally just waiting for her to pass away. Every Christmas since then I try to make special for the family.

  5. Fingers crossed that your friends will secure a pitch on your site. As for the seating, how about a recliner each (saves fighting over just one!) because most of the time it will be just you two there. If friends visit, you could all sit round the table to chat and drink tea/coffee/ wine/whatever. You'll mostly sit outside anyway on nice days.
    I've lost dear ones around Christmas time too, (husband, Mum & Dad) but the sight of a tree with lights is so wonderfully uplifting when it's cold and dark outside. I also drape battery-operated lights around trees/shrubs in the front garden as well; they are not expensive and switch themselves off after about 5 hours, so need no attention once they are set up.

  6. That's great news. You'll be able to have a good catch up up with your friends if they are able to stay. Please would you ask the park owner whether he allows car camping and if yes how much he would charge. We are looking to explore a bit next year.

  7. I think it’ll be a case of ‘measure twice cut once’ when you look for new furniture - wouldn’t it be awful if you couldn’t get it through the door. (Not trying to jinx you there I promise)
    Here’s to happy days planning ‘renovations’ during the winter!

  8. How exciting I do hope your friends can move in a touring van.

    I think perhaps I might go with three recliners (if they fit) that way you both get one.

    God bless.


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