
Saturday 9 October 2021

Light at the end of the tunnel. And good friends

 The Bowen therapist seems fairly confident they won't all have positive Covid tests, her child who had a slight temperature is now fit as a fiddle, and she says they all feel completely fine.  They get their results today, let's hope they're all negative - for their sakes.  She's hoping to book me in for the initial free taster treatment for late next week.  Meanwhile, the osteopath I spoke to is fully booked until November, but will have me in for her first available appointment that month.  Fingers crossed it's not when husband will be in hospital, or unable to drive when he comes out!  I'm hedging my bets and having both treatments, well at least one of each anyway, then I'll decide which one I want to continue with....whichever seems to be the most helpful.  It's annoying that I have to pay to be treated, and it's not cheap (at a time when energy, food and fuel bills are all going up massively), but our NHS system is so overwhelmed and has clearly let me down.  I'm not even bothering to ask my GP for another physio referral, I have no faith whatsoever that it would result in an appointment anytime soon.

My hip, oddly but thankfully, is nowhere near as painful today....but my back is, and I'm now getting sciatica in my left bum cheek radiating down the back of my left leg.  If it's not one thing, it's another.

We were going back to the caravan today for a few days, for the final time, but I've decided against it, I really don't feel like it at the moment because of my aches and pains.  And the fact that I'm not yet ready to say goodbye to the van for this year.  However, we will be going there on Tuesday, just for the day - a lovely thing, our good friends who live in Kent and who we see a couple of times a year, are coming down here on holiday.  They want to see our van, so are meeting us there, we'll spend an hour or two showing them around, catching up and having a coffee, then we'll go to the pub next door for lunch.  We'll see them another day as well whilst they're here on holiday, hopefully we'll find somewhere to go for afternoon tea.  We'll go back to the van to close up another day.

My best friend called in to see us a couple of days ago, that was nice, as was the picture they texted me yesterday which made me smile - I need all the cheering up I can get at the moment.


  1. Fingers crossed for some treatment soon, and also that it works.๐Ÿคž
    How lovely to have friends round at the van. It really has become your home from home. Sending you a big (gentle) hug ๐Ÿซ‚ and beaming smile ๐Ÿ˜ to cheer you up. xx

  2. I watched this video and thought it might explain some of your symptoms?

  3. Fingers crossed everything works out for you. It's quite a lot of balls in the air right now, isn't it?


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