
Thursday 28 October 2021


 My back is absolutely killing me this morning, worst pain I've had for a while, and balance is totally off - I can hardly stand without holding onto something for fear of falling over.  I don't feel able to even have a shower, as our shower is in the bath and there's no way I'll be able to get in and out of the bath.  I'm sitting in my armchair with a hot water bottle behind my back, hopefully the pain will ease in a bit and I'll be able to get on with things (like having a wash and getting dressed!!).  Just sitting around doesn't do any good, I need to get moving, but right now the pain is defeating me.  At least I can use the time to get a few lists (menus for the next week, things to do) written, and a few Christmas cards drawn.


  1. Oh, poor you, Sooze. Do whatever it takes to ease the pain. Sorry I've no suggestions to help. Hopefully,in a few days, the amitriptyline will start to work and the pain will be a thing of the past. Hugs. xx

  2. So sorry to hear about your back pain, instead of a hot water bottle, would you consider trying an ice pack, no more than 10 mins at the time?

  3. We have an electric heat pad, which modes and shapes to your back, shoulder in fact any shape, it has a sheepskin cover, which I find fantastic.

  4. I think maybe resting is your best option with perhaps a little movement occasionally to avoid any stiffness. Hope it will pass over the day. Take care x

  5. Poor you. Back pain is excruciating and I have absolute sympathy for you. I think it might be wise to rest up and keep it warm today. Hope it soon eases off.

  6. You are a champ. Do what you need, meds , heat, cold. It can never be too soon for help. Goodness.

  7. Oh you poor soul, how awful it must be. I've suffered with severe back pain several times over the years to the point where I couldn't get dressed without pain. It usually passes after a few days so hang on in there. Sending healing thoughts that you will feel better soon x

  8. I've just read back some of your earlier posts which I missed. You have been suffering for a long time haven't you, Sooze, you have my total sympathy. My other half had to have an MRIscan on his head and neck for his dystonia pain. He said it was agony trying to lie still for so long and they only managed to do it at the 3rd attempt. I can't lie on my back without getting numbness in my leg or foot either. I always have to sleep on my side. G is taking Amitriptyline to help him sleep at night (and to lower his blood pressure) it certainly makes him sleepy. Fingers crossed it will help you too x

  9. I do hope the back pain dissipated a bit so you could at least get washed and dressed. Do take care.

    God bless.


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